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Community Member


i can’t talk to anyone about some things so this is a way to help myself. I am stuck right now and feel pretty bad. Can’t sleep, and feel like I’m a bad person and I am constantly stuffing up.

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Mavis, welcome to the forums and thanks for posting your comment.

I'm really sorry that you find yourself in this situation, but please don't think that you're a bad person or someone that messes things up, that's your condition telling you this.

It's great you have decided to come to this site because all of us have had to struggle through our own type of depression, maybe only for a short time or those that have had to cope with it for years, so in essence, we feel your pain.

Please come back and tell us a little more about your situation, then we can help you.

Take care.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Good morning Mavis,

I'm glad you've reached out here to talk about some of these things you feel you can't express to anyone else.
These forums are a safe, comfortable and non-judegmental platform where you can feel free to express as little or as much as you wish. (Without any personal contact details of course)
And we'd be more than happy to chat with you and offer support.

Why is it that you feel bad and that you're a bad person?
What is it that you think you keep stuffing up?
Remember that we all do make mistakes and that's how we learn and we grow. We are only human after all.

When you're ready, please don't hesitate to reach out and either myself or one of the other community champions will be there to respond. And try not to be so hard on yourself.

Wishing you all the best and hope that you are feeling better. 🙂