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New to the group, so I am saying 'hi'.

Community Member
Hi there, I have known about Beyond Blue for a long time, but have only just joined today. I have anxiety, which flares up when I am not at work. I am tired of having anxiety, it is my ever present companion. It makes me feel very alone, I get cranky with kids, I don't want want to be close to anyone, I have the voices in my head telling me I am unlovable, annoying, not as good as everyone else. Of course, you won't see that from the outside. Externally, I am a successful professional, supportive husband, nice place to live, enough money to pay bills and save for a trip. I just wish I didn't feel this way on the inside. I don't think it will every go away...
1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Lookingforfreedom, and welcome to the forums, it's never easy to decide when and if you decide to post a comment, but when you do, somehow it's a huge weight off your chest.

I'm so sorry that you are struggling with anxiety and even though you pretend to other people that all is OK, deep down it's not and when this unfortunately happens you shouldn't suffer by yourself and pleased you've come here and to ask us for help.

These annoying voices may and could be related to your anxiety in a particular way, and although I'm not qualified to diagnose you, they have often happened to me with an illness which is caused by this mental disorder.

Everyone has a different type of anxiety but each one is punishing and so cruel in their own form.

Can I suugest you book an appointment with your doctor and before you go, if you can click on 'The Facts' at the top of this page and scroll down until you see the K-10 test, do this test several times, but not straight after the other, different days so the result can be taken with you to your GP.

Also continue to scroll down and check out what 'Anxiety' says, some of this maybe helpful to you, but this is just the beginning for you to get the help you need.

Please keep talking to us as there will be others who also want to reply back to you.

I suffer from OCD which is caused by anxiety and this makes me think of 'intrusive thoughts'.

Best wishes.
