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New to all these feelings

Community Member


first post to this site and to be honest any site. I’m 25 and am living a great life, except in the past six weeks everything has changed with my mental state. My husband and I started to try for kids until I realised I wasn’t ready and since then I’ve felt depressed and anxiety and everything I’ve never felt before. It’s rushed me down the path of many horrible thoughts that I know aren’t true but they scare me everyday and I’ve been crying almost everyday. I’ve started seeing a psychologist and have been trying to have good days but I am scared I’ll be like this forever and end up ruining my life, anyone just want to go back to feeling like normal? What did you do to get yourself out of depression? Will this end?

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Minni

Hello and welcome to the forum. This is a good place to talk about depression and pick up some tips. It's also good you have started to see a psychologist.

Depression does not last forever. It sounds as though the the reality of starting a family has come as a shock and you feel overwhelmed and shocked. It means a huge change in lifestyle and priorities, almost like a wall cutting you off from your previous way of life. And that can be scary.

I have known many moms-to-be and no one is completely prepared for their first baby. I know I was quite unprepared for the reality of caring for a tiny scrap of humanity. Then I had a second baby a year later. It is hard work but the rewards are great.

When you become depressed it does seem like it will never end, that this is how you will spend the rest of your life. I don't know that trying to have good days works anymore than if you tried to have a bad day. It's more important and beneficial to take each day as it happens. Trying to feel happy when all you want to do is cry is basically impossible.

Instead, write a list of thing you enjoy doing and put it on the fridge door. When you feel hopeless and the world hates you, look at this list and choose one activity and do it. Don't spend ages choosing, just do the one that catches your eye. Absorb yourself in it because it's meant to be pleasurable.

I know it will be hard to write a list as you will feel nothing interests you anymore. This is where you need some determination. Do one of those listed activities however you decide you hate it. Focus on it, look at it from different angles, think about the pleasure it will bring when you have completed this activity. These are the sorts of activities that give you a reason to keep on going.

Write in again.


Hi Mary,

Thank you for this suggestion, I will give it a go and see what I can come up with. One of the biggest things that hurts me the most is since this happened I’ve been questioning everything in life, whether I love my husband, whether I’ll be able to get over this to have kids, whether I’ll be able to move past this... it’s all irrational but it’s killing me on the inside because I have never been the type to be not confident in myself and now I’m just questioning everything which has me in tears most days.

Do you think these irrational thoughts will go away while I get treatment from the Psychologist?

Feeling a bit hopeless at the moment