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New here - going through a break up with a partner who has severe anxiety

Community Member
Hi there. My partner has severe anxiety and we just broke up 2 days ago so he could focus on his mental health and find himself. I'm struggling to cope with the split and have never been through a break up before, and I'm constantly worried about him and how he's going. Any advice or just a chat is welcome!
3 Replies 3

Community Member

Hi Frankie,

Im sorry your going through that.

2 days is still very raw. I hope the break up was amicable and you can stay in touch with him. Has he considered this site for a resource as you have done?

I am undergoing treatment for severe anxiety disorder, and have only just joined the forum, I’m finding it very useful to read others articles and found confidence in sharing.

Not knowing the ins and outs of your relationship, I don’t want to comment on that aspect of your article, how ever as I mentioned, I can relate to his dealings with anxiety.

I hope you can stay in touch him and allow him space and compassion to deal with his issues, I know it can be difficult to find that balance of space and support,

Hi Billy,

Thanks for your kind words. We're still texting quite frequently, I want to be as supportive as I can at a time like this.

He's seeing a psychologist, just started taking antidepressants and was advised yesterday to see a psychiatrist as well so I'm hoping this helps. It's just hard because it can't happen overnight.

I'm just finding it hard to navigate how much support to give because I know he needs it right now and moreso than me because he has his anxieties to deal with on top of our separation. It's just a strange feeling at the moment. I think I'll visit my GP and try to see a psychologist to manage everything because it's way too overwhelming.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Frankie, a warm welcome to the forums.

I'm truly sorry for your boyfriend and what he has been going through, because it's at the stage where he needs to get medical assistance.

The same goes for you as you also need to see your GP who may put both of you on medication and refer you to a psychologist.

With a mental health plan both of you are entitled to 10 Medicare paid sessions each with the psych. per year.

There are many issues that need to be addressed and wonder whether you'd like to come back and tell us a little more, in your own time.

Best wishes.
