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Never "used" a forum before, 22 years of depression, anxiety and got some new ones springing up

Community Member
As I've stated I've had depression and anxiety for 22 years, of late, though my anxiety is becoming worse.I have reached the point where I no longer leave my house and I don't socialise at all anymore.I used to love going out, doing anything really, and I used to love being social. I don't have any friends and no family where I live either.(they all moved far away).Social situations are difficult for me, I clam up and get brain fog.Then fight or flight.Usually I go with flight.So now it's resulted in going nowhere ever.Im definitely trying to overcome my fear, and be social, but I can't find anyone to be social with.There are no support groups or social groups in my area, and I don't know what else to do, suggestions?
1 Reply 1

Community Member

Hi there Kerry, I may not be able to help much as I am in pretty much the same boat as you (though you seem to be able to articulate it without my usual sarcasm and self derecating jokes....and spelling mistakes apparently lol...) but I just joined up yesterday and I'm hopeful and the people on here seem to be nice. I too have trouble reaching out and when I do I seem to alienate people pretty quick, so please bare with me, maybe we can get through together 🙂

so far I have had a wee look at the BB café at the quotes I like bit, that cheered me up a bit but so far I haven't really done much on here...In fact I think you are the first person I've "talked" to first! So YAY for both of us for crawling out of our shells at least a little bit. To paraphrase Bart Simpson 'we are so great, we are so great, everybody loves us, we are so great'.

Anyway I tend to burble a little when nervous.....in text too (shrug) who knew? so I'll just sign off for now and let you know you're not alone, you have at least one odd little duck on your side!