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Lost any ideas?

Community Member

Hi this is my first time posting I don’t know what to really say

The last 2months I have noticed myself slipping away from things I totally enjoy things that once made me happy I have been diagnosed with depression/anxiety which I have struggled with for years

my sex life has taken a turn for the worst my partner thinks it’s her fault which is far from it she has been so supportive and amazing to me

my work life is taking a major hit as well I can’t stand been in my job it brings me so much discomfort and makes me more anxious then I already am

there any ideas how to slowly bring myself back from the dark to where I once was the happy bubbly person ??

2 Replies 2

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi welcome

Those down periods are very common with me so I totally understand. Add to them a job you detest and lack of drive/motivation and you are desperate enough to write in and I'm glad you did.

Here are my thoughts-

  • Revisit your GP and mention lack of motivation and medication.
  • Begin searching for another job, a change of working environment could be a regular occurrence for you.
  • Read up on motivation- more on that soon
  • Reassure your partner that this is very common with the illnesses you have. Show her this post if she has doubts. She might not have a MI but that doesn't mean she doesn't lack self esteem or has guilt.

Read the first post of the following-





Finally anxiety. Sometimes its better to focus on long term fixes with anxiety.


I hope that helps. Repost anytime.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Mustang87

I wanted to stop in and say how wonderful it is that even when you didn't know what to say that you have found yourself here and talking. That is such a great start and you will find lots of amazing people here that will support you and provide you some comfort. I can see that TonyWK has given you some things to have a look at and I hope that they are helpful to you.

I am a woman and I just wanted to address one thing that you said in your message which was "my sex life has taken a turn for the worst my partner thinks it’s her fault which is far from it she has been so supportive and amazing to me"...I am so very happy to hear that your partner has been supportive to you through this time, when as a man you tend to rate your "manliness" and how much of a man you are by your ability to "perform" in the bedroom. I want to let you know that this in my opinion is not the case. The fact you are here and addressing how you are feeling and that you need some support at this time is so much more manly to me. I praise you for reaching out and I feel like once you find your avenue of support, be it the GP or here or however support comes to you that your day will become brighter for you.

I am so very sorry to hear that your job is also another major part of how you are feeling and I hope that reconsidering a change might be an option for you. Work is a big part of our day and I think if we can at least find some happiness in our work then it really makes a big difference to the day. I am sure you know all this already but just want to restate it as changing jobs is never easy.

I am so pleased you are here and talking and would like to chat to you some more.

Hugs to you Mustang87