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Kitty Cat
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Dear Chunty,
Yes..I’m okay...but my mental health is being very naughty and trying to control my mind...Needing some professional help to get it all sorted out....,
Its you sweet Chunty that’s I am worried about...I hope today your feeling a little better then yesterday...
Are you able to go outside, if not can your carer take you outside..I find that sitting outside in the beautiful nature that’s around us is very soul lifting...I live in the central west of nsw..in a very small village...I consider my lucky and am very grateful that the neighbours across from my home are cows, birds, trees....and then some kangaroo, rabbits and foxes occasionally...
I just like to sit on my veranda and watch this big old gum tree and all the birds and small creatures that make their home in it......
Chunty, I wish I could take away your illness...It’s really sad hearing someone so sick...I said a little prayer for you last night....I hope you don’t mind...Your friend Vi sounds like a beautiful comfort for you..as well as Father Brown..
If it’s okay to ask...and no need to share if your not wanting to....What kind of things do you like doing....and do you have any pets...I live alone with 2 little maltese x Yorkshire dogs...a mother and her daughter..They are so cute and love playing with each other.....
Thank you for the hug back...I don’t get them either as I have no family living close by....
May God bless you dear lovely Chunty ..
Kind thoughts..
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Hello Chunty, and can we offer you a warm welcome to the forums.
It's lovely to know that the people above me have been able to connect with you and your thread is such an important one because of your diagnosis, but you must have so much you may want to tell us, because what you are suffering from is certainly a difficult subject to approach as is another person suffering from any type of depression, so how can we share our belief to either person that all we want to do is listen and support them in every possible way we are able to.
Grief, in what any form you may see it as has the ability to turn into some form of depression, and the more a person’s body changes, the less control they feel over their lives, but treating this can prolong and accept a much better future for them because there is no way we would want anyone to suffer in any aspect of their life.
There is no doubt we are truly devastated by what you have told us, but we certainly don't want you to suffer from any type of depression that will interfere with any quality you have in life, that's what I was told when all I wanted was to end my life.
I have learnt so much since that time and that's exactly what we want to do for you.
My very best.
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Hello Dear Grandy. Im glad that you are ok. It must be hard feeling your thoughts are not under your ontroll. Oh I reckon it must be frightening. I pray Jesus will help you. Look in the intenet an type Jesus You take over. Please do, the words are comforting and soothing. I say that prayer everyday besides the Rosary. Sounds lovely where you are living, surrounded by nature and animals. Is anyone helping you to look after your darling pets? I simply love and adore animals especially cats. They just fascinate me. I have a black and white 3 years old rescue cat. Her name is Merryweather. I used to live alone when I was well and independent. Now Im totally dependent on my friend and carer for everything, which is horrible. I hate it. I am grateful he is looking after me as Im terrified of nursing home and I want to die in my own home. He is not emotionally supportive at all. I feel he is controlling, so i hve to play it cool. Sometimes I lose it and shout back.Im sorry I really didnt mean to put that on to you, but unfortuntely that is my current situation. I survive be listening to Elvis and watching Jesus movies. My favourite is Jesus of Nazareth. I love listening to his teachings. The movie was made in l977 and Robert Powell played the role of Jesus. He was the best actor and his performance of Jesus was brilliant. I hope Im not boring you. Im just letting you know how I go on. Father David is coming to see me tomorrow to give Holy Communion and spiritual care. We all need some form of comfort and distraction from our troubles. Im very happy to commuicate with you as you sound to be a lovely caring person. You have helped me alot. I hope I can help you too. Un fortunately I cant sit too long in the wheelchair and enjoy the sun as the pain gets rel bad. I will go now and lots of hugs.You will get better. God Bless You. Chunty and Merryweather😋😸🍒
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Hi Sophie, I just want to let you know, that there was a cancellation with the Psychologist and that I have an appointment with her on Monday at 1.40 pm. Also I would like to put a post in Thinking about Death. How do I go abou it?
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Thank you for the update. It's unfortunate that there was a cancellation but we're glad to hear that you're seeing the psychologist on Monday.
In terms of how you go about it, it depends on what you're saying specifically. If you're meaning suicidal ideation, then please do so in the suicidal thoughts and self-harm section of the forums (https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/suicidal-thoughts-and-self-harm).
Alos, feel free to read the following before posting:
- https://www.beyondblue.org.au/connect-with-others/online-forums/suicidal-thoughts-and-self-harm/please-read-this-first-posting-in-this-section
- http://www.beyondblue.org.au/connect-with-others/community-rules
We hope this helps!
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It sounds like things are feeling really overwhelming for you right now, and we are really glad that you decided to reach out here for support. Please know that our community are here for you, and we are also getting in touch with you through email to check in with you and offer some extra support through this.
Please know that support is always here for you, whether it is from the friendly counsellors at our Beyond Blue Support Service (1300 22 4636) or our friends at Lifeline (13 11 14) or the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467). The understanding counsellors are here for you 24/7 as often as you need whenever things are feeling overwhelming, and can provide support and advice to help you through this.
We're all here to help you through this Chunty, you are never alone in this.
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Hello Dear Chunty,
I want to apologise for not dropping in sooner to reply to you...I am having internet issues here in hospital...
I am pleased you rang the ambulance to take you into care at the hospital...are you still in hospital dear Chunty?...
Is your carer a family member or is he/she from an agency...I ask because if from an agency you can report how the carer is making you feel.....No one deserves to be made to feel emotionally abused nor controlled.....Can you speak to the psychiatrist and social worker..if your not in hospital you can I think..make an appointment with the social worker and have a chat to them about how your being treated and if any other options are available for you...
I love the name of your cat....Merryweather...it’s a beautiful name...I listened to a song on you tube by Elvis Presley..it was never released...it’s call two hands...it’s a very peaceful song about the two hands of God.....I am sure you would love to listen to it.....
I liked Jesus of Nazareth, it is a good movie....I listen to the Abide app at night before my usual sleep stories....Do you listen or use the Abide app?....
Here for you Chunty when I can be....You’re a beautiful person and it’s been a pleasure getting to know you..
God Bless Dear Chunty..My kind thoughts with care.
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Hello everybody
Hope you are all ok. Have a lovely day