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Community Member

Hello everyone,

Im 29, male and just moved to Melbourne. My best friend is really struggling with multiple setbacks and I want to do everything I can to be there for her, so hopefully I can get a few ideas and go from there.

Warm regards, JB

2 Replies 2

Community Champion
Community Champion

Welcome Holly the cat,

This is a friendly forum full of supportive people.

It is great that you want to help your friend.

If you look at the website you will find articles on different topics, anxiety, depression, and many more,

You can look through the forum and look at the different sections that may interest you .

If you feel like telling us here about what sort of help you are looking for your friend, it will help be able to support you.

Thanks again for saying hello.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi JB, welcome and thanks for coming to the forums.

I'm so sorry to hear that your girlfriend is struggling with these problems.

Sometimes people want to move away from where they are to try and escape these issues, but unfortunately, they follow you, that's where it becomes distressful.

You want to help her so please let us try and assist you as much as we can.

Best wishes.
