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I've been feeling lonely and wanted a safe space to talk about my struggles with loneliness and navigating your 20s. 

4 Replies 4

Community Member

Hi there! 

I am also new to this space and am in a similar situation, so I can understand where you are coming from. I am 19, next year turning 20 and trust me, most of us haven't fully figured life out as an adult yet. There is so much pressure on us nowadays to have everything planned out and be successful at a really young age but at the same time there is this stigma I guess that you have to have a group of friends with whom you go out every weekend, and if you don't you are the odd one out, that is my experience, but of course, you can still have friends or be surrounded by people and feel alone. Feel free to reach out if you need to vent about specific issues you are dealing with because sometimes that is all you really need :)).


Take care of yourself!

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello eyespy,

Welcome and thank you for reaching out for support. You have come to the right place as the forums are safe and non-judgemental. I am sorry to hear you are feeling lonely and struggling at the moment, 20s is a time of finding yourself and navigating that can be difficult at times. My suggestion is to look around the forums, there is a section for Young People where you may find some other members dealing with similar issues that you can connect with. Read a few posts and reply if you feel comfortable doing so. There is also a social section that you may find helpful, this section is more light and not so focused on particular issues. You will find the right place for you soon enough. I hope you will find the forums a helpful and healing place to come to when you feel the need.

Sending you a big hug,


Community Champion
Community Champion

Welcome to you also Val-Chris,

The suggestions for eyespy will also apply to you. I hope you will find the support you need here.

Sending you a big hug too.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Eyespy and Val-Chris

welcome to the forums. Indigo has given some helpful advice.

It is a while I was in my 20s but I was struggling with a diagnosis of bipolar from my teens and 

Eyespy and Val-Chris

welcome to the forums. Indigo has given some helpful advice.

It is while I was in my 20s that I I was struggling with a diagnosis of bipolar from my teens and I was in denial. 
You are not alone  and there is support here.