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Im new here. Intro and hi.

Community Member
Hello, I am a middle aged, parent and Nana. I have one adult child left at home. I have 4 children and 4 grandkids. I only see 1 of my grandies, and 3 of my kids (story for another time -alienated granny) Its a small part of my problems, true. As its been a long time since I seen my eldest now. I am sad alot. Depression. I also get anxiety. But seem to be able to deal with that now, after many years suffering from it. But its still lurking there. I think I am depressed at the moment due to a lack of friends. I have 1 really great friend. I see her once a week or fortnight. I have trouble sleeping. I hate that the most as I never did. I can sleep the day away, and stay up all night, even if I force myself to get up early and keep active throughout the day. Im currently unemployed. But I do ok. I have a government home, and free water and a small solar set up, so helps offset bills. Drug free. (apart from 1 prescribed med for anxiety- 10 + years on) drink rarely.
I know Im depressed. Diagnosed by a few drs. I feel its the lack of friends. And the friends I do have (i have 4 I talk to via messages but rarely see) and thats it. I rarely go out. I try to make plans, and they cancel. They go out and not invite me. I think Im a good friend. Dependable. Reliable. Honest. Supportive. Fun. I try and leave the depression at the door. Fake it? And I dont know how to make new friends now. I made a couple, but they ended up being toxic for me. So I ended those. I just feel like i just dont know what to do. Or how to get there. I know I said I do ok for unemployed. I eat. I out out occasionally. Movies. Meal. I drive. But I dont have any excess funds for more things, like a club/group type of thing.
So hey! Waves hello, thanks for letting me in here.
1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion
Hi and welcome to beyond blue. Quite a story you have there. How did you feel after writing the post?

I was also a little unsure of what you were looking for with your post - not that you needed to ask a question. Anyway, you will be accepted here, nor will you be judged. I hope you will stay around and chat some more.

I wonder though if one night while you were asleep, all of your problems disappeared , when you woke up in the morning how you tell? What differences would you notice?
