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Community Member
A few weeks ago I organised somewhere to live for a while to give our relationship some hope, my Husband didn't want me to go, then a week later we had the worst fight we've ever had and 2 days ago he told that he loves but is no longer in love with me and wants to break up.I suggested some ideas and he's adamant there's no hope. I just want to die. I love him so much. I don't want to live without him.
4 Replies 4

Hi butimstillinlove,

Thank you so much for taking such a brave step in sharing this with us here today. We know it isn't easy but it's so important that you did.

The forums are a safe, non-judgmental place where users give and receive support from others who are or have experienced something similar.

Our support service is trying to reach you via email as we are worried about you. IN the meantime you might want to reach out and talk to someone at Relationships Australia - https://www.relationships.org.au/ - on 1300 364 277. If you're reaching a crisis point then please call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Do please check in and let us know how you're getting on whenever you feel up to it.


I don't know what to do, i tried talking to him tonight but he's turned cold and stating that I'm just not understanding that he wants us to go separate ways. That's the problem I do understand, but I'm desperate to try to find a way to fix us. I honestly don't want to live without him.

Hi again butimstillinlove,
We're sorry to hear that you're feeling so low at the moment, it sounds like this has come as a shock and we can hear how difficult this must be to cope with. But please know that you do not have to do this alone, many in our community have had similar experiences and will be able to understand.
In the meantime, we'd really encourage you to reach out for support, as we mentioned earlier Relationships Australia is a great option. You are also welcome to get in touch with our Support Service, anytime, on 1300 22 4636 or you can visit www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport and one of our friendly counsellors will be able to talk things through with you.
We hope that you can find some comfort in the forums. Feel free to keep us updated here on your thread throughout your journey.

Community Member
Last night he told me one of us has to sleep in another room. Again telling me I’m not getting it. That he wants us to go our separate ways. This morning I realised he hasn’t mentioned my furniture and the heap of items I have in the house ( he is not a greedy person and wouldn’t dream of keeping my things) and have a dog and today I’m having a new horse delivered.( which he asked me about last night, as in what time is he coming) Am I just clasping at straws or does this sound more like a man that doesn’t want to break up? He def doesn’t want a horse.