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Community Member
Hi, my first time here. For the last couple of months I just can't stay awake, and it's got progressively worse. I get up in the a.m. have a coffee and go back to sleep. Wake an hour later and have to go to sleep again. I just can't stay awake, it goes on all day. I saw a couple of GP's but they weren't very interested, I guess they thought 'he's an old man who lives on his own so he's just lonely and needs a cat.' 🙂 I was asked if I'd like to see a counselor but the one I saw before was teaching me 'mindfulness' (focus on the feeling of the seat on your bum etc) and was no help. Briefly, I've worked with refugees for the past 6 years and I wondered if maybe all that dealing with constant hardship had burned me out. I'm a Muslim and i feel Christchurch was a real trigger. Thanks..
1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Shayne,

I want to start by saying welcome to Beyond Blue. I hope that you find at least some of the support and understanding that you are looking for.

As for your problem of feeling overly tired: I would like to suggest a couple of things.

Firstly, if you're not happy with the answers, or lack thereof, that you are getting from your current GP, then I would be getting another opinion. But before you do that, maybe try keeping a diary of what you are eating and drinking, any and all medications you are on and the dosage level, and also exactly how much you are sleeping and when. That way when you go get another opinion you will have a detailed document of exactly what is going on and when.

There could be a number of things that are contributing, or it could be just one thing. All I do know is that our bodies do change as we age, and sometimes we don't necessarily adjust our lifestyles accordingly. And yes, trauma can certainly cause things to change dramatically, and often in ways we just don't expect.

The important thing is to not stop seeking until you get the answers you are looking for. Sometimes we just need to keep knocking on every door we can until the right one opens.

I do hope you get an answer soon. Take care. And remember, Beyond Blue is always here, 24/7. xo