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hi I guess

Community Member
So I'm 14 and living in a combined family with my dad, stepmum and her kids. I'm physically larger than them (they're all underweight) and I feel isolated and like nobody in that house really cares. I'm called offensive words when I stuff up and I'm treated differently to my stepsiblings. My dad says he's teaching me to function, but I'm always doing something wrong and I just feel like such a failure all the time. I only moved into this environment two years ago and I'm finding it very hard to adjust. My dad constantly tells me he's "done" with me and my behaviour, even though I always try to be respectful and polite, and it came to a climax on Monday when he told me to pack my bags. I'm safe at the moment, and living with an old family friend, but I have to go back at the end of this week due to my schooling. I'm trying to be the perfect child that they want but it's difficult, especially with the inconsistencies in treatment between my stepsiblings and I. I've gone along with whatever they've said for over two years now, but recently, as they tighten the restraints because of perceived "disrespect" eg, I forget to lock a door, take too long cleaning, don't clean something properly, I'm finding it harder and harder to meekly obey, and I admit I've lost my temper a few times recently, which doesn't help my case. I'm lost as to how to proceed and any advice is welcome and greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Banana3305,

Welcome to Beyond Blue, well done for reaching out and expressing what is on your mind.

Before I go too much further, I must tell you that I am by no means a professional person, like a counselor or anything, just a fellow human being with some life experience .....

Anyway, I guess it must be difficult learning to adjust to a new blended family. All those changing dynamics and personalities, and all little quirky habits that people have that we don't see until we live with them.

You didn't mention your Mum in the post above? Is she still a part of your life? And could you perhaps talk to her? It's good that you have somewhere to go, but it may not be a solution you can use long term?

I don't know. What I do know is that there is help and support available, and all you need to do is ask. Also, a handy number to have/call is the kids helpline: 1800 55 1800.

I hope things improve for you soon. Take care. xo