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Hi Everyone.

Community Member
Hi I am a 63yr old woman working night duty every weekend. My choice. Suffer GAD and some depression but my main problem is loneliness. I have no real friends, I have work collegues and aquatainces but no close friend. I have 2 sons both busy with their own life. I only have a cat as company. I do belong to 2 groups and go to local pool twice a week but no one close enough to have adecent conversation with. Relationships have been a disaster since my divorce 9 yrs ago. Prefer to be single. So if you are up for a chat that is fine with me. Happy with life in general just the sheer loneliness that is the bug in my life. Robyn.
2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Robyn, a warm welcome to you and thanks for posting your comment.

I'm 64 and have been divorced 17 years, gosh I didn't realise it's been that long, although we still speak to each other.

You're wonderful to still be able to work, whereas physically it's difficult for me, but I've been here for a long time and very happy to talk with you.

Best wishes.


Community Member

Hi Robyn, I am sorry to hear that you feel so lonely, I am 61 years old and have been a widow for 8 years and I also suffer from bouts of loneliness, I am a pretty strong person and cope with most things life throws at me ok. I have 2 adult children who both suffer from mental illness. My reasons for joining this group is to find support with dealing with my daughter's Bipolar (another thread). When my husband died the grief was absolutely crippling and my daughter withdrew into herself and offered no company or support at all (this was before her diagnosis and I often suspect the catalyst for her Bipolar) my son lived in another city so he wasn't able to provide much support either, I found an online grief support group that really helped me cope with life at the time. I believe groups such as this can really help with loneliness so I am glad that you are here and reaching out. For myself I took up papercrafting as a hobby and in the very early years of my grief I scrapbooked my husbands life. I was totally self taught and found the experience to be very therapeutic, connecting me with several online groups for that also. I have 5 cats and a little dog and they are tremendous company. I work 2 jobs and keep pretty busy, but sometimes it is just nice to know that someone is there and interested in you. I am happy to chat with you anytime if it helps.

Good Luck
