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Hey Everybody!

Community Member

Hi everyone.

I'm a new Beyondblue member and I am new to this forum so please bear with me when I don't know what to do.

My name Frederic and the reason why I joined Beyondblue is that I want to get support from all of the members in Beyondblue, I'm hoping that everything will go well during my prior time here. I hope that everyone is friendly and supportively, I wish all of the members at Beyondblue have a wonderful time during your time here.

My last history was being a person who didn't get that a lot of help and support but as the time goes fly by I finally has my chance to help other people. I would be grateful that I have lots of people that support me during my ups and downs.

I want to be like those people who always helps their peers and I'm just hoping that my dreams will come to a reality!


Thank you


New Member of Beyondblue

5 Replies 5

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hey Frederic 🙂

Welcome to the forums and thankyou for the great post too!

The forums are a safe and non judgemental place for you to post Frederic. No one will judge you here and your privacy is paramount to us

If you wish to discuss any matter that is troubling you please go ahead. You are more than welcome to do so

I am on the forums after a few years having bad anxiety and depression. I take meds and also have counseling

If you have any questions please ask. I hope you can help your peers with your life experience too. If you wish to elaborate about your background you are always welcome to Frederic 🙂

my kind thoughts and I really hope you can stick around the forums


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Frederic, and thanks for such a lovely introduction of yourself.

Your help will be of great benefit to all of us and will also try and give you the best support and any advice we have learnt from our own experience that's possible.

Welcome on board.


Community Member

Hello guys!

Thank you for your supportive and friendly comments, I hope you guys have an awesome future and endeavors

as I enter myself a whole new chapter for prepare for Post Secondary Schooling




Member of Beyondblue

Hi Frederic

Good on You! I wont wish you 'luck' as you wont need any 🙂

Thankyou for your supportive and positive attitude....Nice1

my kind thoughts


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Frederic, can I join Paul in thanking you for your comments, remember we will be here if and when you want to have a talk.

Best wishes.
