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Hello out there!

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I've never done anything like this before. I am a very private person and quite self-conscious even though people say that I am confident and even a bit brash. Like a lot of people, I guess, I project my professional persona in public and shield myself from harm or criticism by hiding my true self. Nothing nefarious, just a protective instinct born from life-long criticism from parents and siblings and high expectations of perfection and competitiveness. 


I have been subjected to bullying, harassment, threats (both physical and psychological) death threats and home invasions over the last twenty -odd years. My wife and I have moved home four times in the last ten years to try to get away from crazy neighbours (I know it sounds like a problem with me but I/we have been very unlucky). Currently, I am being targeted by a narcissistic, passive-aggressive, antagonistic bully who constantly watches me and provokes me to try to get a reaction so they can report me to the police because they are convinced that I am a criminal even though I have repeatedly advised them that I am a very well qualified professional with no criminal record and multiple security clearances. 


I have been working with my psychologist for PTSD, anxiety and mild acrophobia for many years. I get to a good place but then something will trigger me and I regress. I just want to find peace and I want to be left alone. 


The police can't help me because the actions of my insane neighbour are "not serious enough" or "not a criminal offence". My wife and I have communicated with the neighbour but they will not stop. 


I don't have any close friends and I find it hard to make friends as I find small talk difficult and end up giving people a resume of my achievements rather than being relaxed and open. I am afraid that I am not interesting enough.


Obviously, my wife loves me, understands and accepts me. 


I want to make friends though. I love History and Literature. I built plastic models as a hobby. I love gardening and being outdoors. I grew up on farms and I am a first-generation Australian as my parents both immigrated as children. 


Anyone who has dealt with this type of person can you please help with what worked for you.


Thankyou kindly.

11 Replies 11

Community Member

Don't undersell yourself, every individual has a special skill that no-one else has. I am sure that you have something special and unique that defines you. 


I am just blessed with an ability to absorb the details of what I read. I don't think I am any "smarter" than anyone else (define smart). 


I don't really know Anne of Green Gables well but I do know the story. 


It is great that you are reading about mental health. Knowledge is power, as they say. 


Biographies are cool, I have a signed copy of the biography of the pilot of the Enola Gay (the B-29 that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima). That was an interesting story. The internal conflict and the battle between doing something that saved a lot of lives by taking a lot of lives. 


I don't know much about Sociology.

Community Member



Today has been a long, tiresome day. Lots of computer work and trivial admin stuff sort out. Annoying but necessary. Sitting on recliner with puppy on my lap sound asleep, as I will also be shortly. 😴