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Hello, new to forum, old to depression :)

Community Member

Hello, I am hoping to find some kinship here as we each work through our own healing processes, and we support each other.

I've struggled seriously with depression for over 20 years. I was prescribed some medication and then largely left to my own devices for 10 years or so. I'd ask the Doctor what I should do, beyond repeat prescriptions, and he'd say "all the beautiful people in Hollywood take anti-depressants like candy" and it's "better than being down in the dumps" and that was about all the advice and guidance I received.

I weaned myself off the tablets for several years, but here I am again. This time it is different; I have a better Doctor who has sent me to other specialists, and so disappointingly I find myself on medicine again, but with the greater advantage of supervision. However, I've now been diagnosed as "major depression / treatment-resistant depression" and with that, the psychiatrist has added an additional medication, and told me I'll probably be taking medicines forever. I find that kind of ... well ... depressing, but que sera sera. I've come to appreciate, from the psychologist, not to be attached to outcomes.

So that's my story ...

3 Replies 3

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

I'd always highly recommend second even tjord opinions from GPs on mental health.

In 2003 I was falsely diagnosed with ADHD, tried 12 differentmeds iver 6 years and none worked not to mention the side effects. In 2008 rediagnosed with bipolar, depression and dysthymie. The meds worked, so fine tuning and all good. Of course meds cant eliminate all symptoms.

So welcome, I hope you settle in here. Below are a few threads you can read to give you examples of some reading we have available

Use google

Beyondblue Topic depression, a ship on the high seas

Beyondblue Topic the timing of motivation

Beyondblue Topic the balance of your life

Beyondblue Topic worry worry worry


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi DrRotten

Great to have you on the forums. I understand your pain as this my 38th year with anxiety and depression and yes its an awful set of symptoms to have (understatement of the decade!)

TonyWK has posted noteworthy links to his thread above that relate directly to what you have been going through

You have a very good doctor who has an excellent grasp of depression. I was very anti-meds until my depression/anxiety exacerbated. Just for me I have learned that the meds on their own are never a fix all yet they are very effective with frequent ongoing therapy/supervision as you mentioned

To me depression (or anxiety or both) are no different to a physical health problem....especially when depression is partially chemically based anyway.

It would be great if you could stick around the forums....(only when and if you wish of course!)

Thanks for being a part of the forum family too!

my kind thoughts


Community Member

Hi Dr Rotten.

I treat mental health medications the same as my diabetic, blood pressure and high cholesterol med. I need them to be alive, its the same with psych meds. No one other than you need know what you are on. In fact no one needs to know any of your history if you dont want to tell them. Take the medications and concentrate on improving your life rather than seeing being on meds as a failure. It helps us get through our lives. Hope this puts some things in perspective. Stay healthy. Robyn.