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Hello everybody

Community Member
Hi there! I’m a 32-year old education (primary) student (about to go out on my second prac) and I’ve struggled with anxiety (GAD and social) and clinical depression for a very long time - lately it feels like it’s getting a lot worse. I’m joining up here because I’d love to be part of the community and help other people where I can.
2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Welcome to our forums Clytemnestra

Great to have you join our community. Feel free to browse and join conversation were you're able.

You talk about your anxiety and depression is getting worse lately. Is there anything that you can put this down to? Studies for instance?

Kind regards


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Clytemnestra

I echo PamelaR's welcome to you. Anxiety/depression can be an awful set of symptoms to have....I understand you as I have also experienced these horrible health issues for a few years now (in recovery now...)

I really hope you can stick around the forums and are very welcome to help others in the community too....only when and if you feel like doing so 🙂

my kind thoughts for you
