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Forgotten Australian Group

Community Member
Hi, new here. Is there a group in Gippsland Victoria that supports Forgotten Australians?:)
3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Fulton and welcome to the forums,

Because these forums are anonymous, sharing details of groups is something that we aren't encouraged to discuss.

I'm sure you have already checked the Forgotten Australians website (https://forgottenaustralians.org.au/finding-help) but you will probably have more success phoning one of the groups listed there or asking locally, perhaps at the GP?

That said you are very welcome here to talk about anything you need to. There are members here with all sorts of experiences and although I cannot truly relate to how you feel in time you may find other members here who have shared experiences.

I hope you keep writing and sharing more of your story if it helps you to do so.


Community Member

Hello Nat,

Thankyou for your response. I'll check out the website and take your suggestion on board. 🙂

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Fulton

Thanks for your post and welcome too. I see that Qeurcus has provided caring support above

Since there is no question as a 'dumb' one on the forums can I ask what you mean by 'Forgotten' Australians?

Thank-you for being a part of the Beyond Blue forum family 🙂

my kind thoughts for you


PS...my apologies if I seem ignorant