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Depressed or just lonely?

Community Member

Hi, I’m new to this. Been feeling shitty for a couple of months now. Sad, lonely, irritable, weepy at times over-thinking and anxious. I haven’t seen a doctor, I worry about having this on my medical file if I apply for jobs or citizenship.

So I guess I’m reaching out for help. I live with my family but don’t have a lot of friends here. I go to work but don’t see people out of work. How do you make friends as an adult? I’m pretty quiet and boring really, but I do like being around people.

And what non- clinical treatments or herbal medicines have people found helpful?

Thank you for reading this 🙂

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Khaleesi_K, welcome to the forums.

There are many different non-clinical treatments, some which I can understand and some which I'm still trying to relate to, everybody is different and people will mention what they believe is helpful.

Herbal medication I have tried for various conditions and some may cause problems if you're taking other medicines, but they haven't done anything and they're expensive.

Can I suggest you book an appointment with your doctor and what is said between the two of you is private so work can't find out unless you mention on the application form that you do or have had a mental problem.

The other way your work will find out is if for some reason you need to take time off because something has caused you to feel depressed, anxious or stressed and the doctor has given you time off for this reason.

If you are suffering from what you have told us, then it's going to be difficult to meet other people, so you need to get the help now which will give you some confidence.

Hope to hear back from you.


Community Member

Hi Geoff, thank you for responding.

I know I should see a doctor. I’m just reluctant as part of me thinks I should be able to sort this out by myself. I realise that’s part of the stigma of mental illness, feeling like I’ve failed somehow. And I thought I would have to declare it at medicals and they would consider it a risk.

Also my mother suffered with depression all her life and for me to be diagnosed with it, well I just don’t want to end up like my mum. So I’m probably in denial.

I’ve been reading some of the resources on the site. I’m going to try exercise and St John’s Wort. But maybe I’ll set a deadline that if I’m not feeling any better in a couple of weeks then I’ll go to the doctor.

But yes you’re right. Trying to meet people when I’m feeling like this, just isn’t going to work. I need to feel stronger, more on an even keel, and then I can work on the other stuff.

Thank you again for talking it through with me. I hope you’re having a good day today.