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Bitter Sweet

Community Member
I never thought I would do this.... going down hill
2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Morning Bittersweet,

What's wrong, what's happened?

These forums are a safe environment, so please feel free in communicating as little or as much as you like. We'd be more than happy to lend an ear or try and suggest some coping strategies and provide some info to any services or supports you may find beneficial.
I don't want to be too intrusive, but are you okay?

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Bitter Sweet, can I offer you a warm welcome to the site and appreciate how difficult it must be to decide whether or not you should write a comment and begin a new thread.

There are different times of the day when you desperately want to talk with somebody, so you start writing a comment, edit what you have typed for your own reasons, and finally decide to cancel it.

There's no harm in doing this, it only means that you're not ready to post your comment, however, that time may come and when you do want to post.

Please don't be afraid, all of us have been through our own type of depression and understand your position, so please take your time, somebody will be here to answer your comment and then others will also chip to try and help you the best we can.

Best wishes.
