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Community Member
Hi all. Im new to this forum and seek understanding from likeminded people who suffer the same as me. Im so scared and feel me tally ill and feel im losing touch with myself. I would love to seek others advice and tips to help me overcome. Bless you all.
7 Replies 7

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hello Tee, welcome to the forum and thanks for posting your comment.
It is rather scary when you first post because you're not sure what sort of reaction you will get, well it's a friendly site where we all try and help eachother through this awful illness, what it does is simply takes over our lives and controls everything we were once able to do.
It will also stop us from socialising and leaving us to only want to sleep under the doona covers all day, and we could be sacked from our job or defer you from attending uni, that's how powerful this insidious illness is, but with medication and counselling can eventually help you overcome this, although it's not going to be easy because you may have to try many different types of medication before you find the one that works.
The same may also apply with your counsellor because what you definitely need is someone who you can feel comfortable with, otherwise none of your important concerns are going to be discussed, and if doesn't happen then all you are doing is just bouncing along not getting anywhere. Geoff,

Community Member
Hi Geoff. I think ive always had anxiety issues but they seem yo have escalated late 2016 when i worked at our daughters school. My anxieties peak when theres sickness. Sounds crazy but i have a phobia of vomit! As a mum...i am protective of my girl and husband anf hate to see them sick. When a loved one (especially my daughter) says sge feels sick in the stomach...my anxiety peaks which in turn gives me heart palpitations, shaking uncontrollably and pacing. My mind feels like its going thousands of miles ph. I over think and over anaylse. Ive been through several counsellors. The last one being more help than any other. I try refocusing my thoughts on God (as i am a devout Christian). It can help but our minds are our worst enemy and are definately the biggest battlefield. I prayer daily and believe things will improve not only for me but all other sufferers.

Community Member

Hi Tee71,

Anxiety hits many people in many different ways, I have suffered from it for around 10 years so I know those feelings of shaking and heart palpitations and pacing around, I have been there many times. You said you have been through many counsellors, how have they helped you, specifically the last one as you said they were good? Are you still seeing them? You sound like a very caring person as well.

Sorry for asking a few questions just trying to gauge where you are at so I can offer more sound advice.

My best for you,


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hi Tee, maybe you could google this, you may have already 'how to overcome the feeling of vomiting from someone else'. Geoff.

Community Member

Hi Jay

Thanks for you reply. My anxiety only really peaked end of 2016. Last counsellor was lovely. She gave me many tools for my toolbox (so to speak) to help me through eg, burning oils for relaxation, positive reinforcement, smiling mind App which is Brilliant! Think everyone needs this app. Its the best. And yes....im an extremely caring and compassionate person. My biggest mentor is God! I dont want to offend or make anyone uncomfortable but being a devout Christian can make all the difference. We are all by no means perfect and we all have dark areas of our lives to work through but having The Lord in my life and having faith and prayer...is the biggest thing of all. Im on the mend but i do fall down and struggle at times. Self help books help too. Sorry for going on but thought to share where im at and my experiences. God bless you all and my prayers continue for everyone.

Community Member

Hi Tee71,

I think it is great you share you experience and if you find through faith and prayer that it helps then that is great. There a few believers in god and religion on this forum and it isn't all about agreeing with what someone says, it is all about being you and finding things that help. You have a lot of tools at your disposal to help you and that is great.

My best,


Dear Tee

Hello and welcome to the forum. A bit belated but just as welcoming as the others.

You can start your own thread on the Anxiety forum or simply read the threads on that forum. And of course you can continue writing here.

I practice meditation every day and it is surprising how calm this keeps me (well most of the time). Many people here use the Smiling Mind app and say how good it is. I haven't tried it. I too rely on prayers both from myself and from others. It's always comforting to know other people care enough to pray for you in those times when the world gets black.

Is it just the thought of nausea that upsets you or are there other events that trigger your anxiety? It's good you have a resource kit to use at those times. Have you considered chatting to a psychologist? They are often able to help you and perhaps find out why you feel like this.

Keep on talking to us. I am happy to talk about our spiritual lives.
