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a rough life

Community Member

My name is Stuart and I currently suffer from clinical depression/anxiety. Since last month my anxiety has and currently is through the roof due to the fact that not only is my partner and I are expecting a baby but my partner is going through a rough time with a former partner because of custody of her kids and that is putting undue pressure on both of us.

I have tried talking to counsellors but I have the worst luck due most of them leaving to go somewhere else. My partner is currently getting help from a psychologist but I don't know what to do or who to turn to.


2 Replies 2

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Stuart,

I feel for you. You’re obviously going through a very rough time. I understand that there are clearly many pressures on you and your partner right now, which would be very overwhelming and draining. Your anxiety, in particular, sounds like it has been absolutely crushing...so intense...

I think it’s really good that you’ve been talking to counsellor. But it must be a real let down when they keep leaving. I realise that this isn’t the same, but a small suggestion that I would like to make is perhaps you could think about calling a mental health helpline. There are many to choose from (e.g. BeyondBlue on 1300 22 4636 plus others as well).

I know you probably wouldn’t get the same counsellor every call, so there’s still that element of inconsistency. But it’s still a way to access counselling in real-time, so to speak, and it could help fill the “gaps” between face-to-face counselling.

Sorry, I know this isn’t a “solution” to your lack of a permanent face-to-face counsellor. But it’s just a small idea that might help...

If there’s anything else you would like to share and/or just to chat and vent, I want you to know that this is a safe space to do that. Naturally, there’s no pressure. Only share as much as you feel comfortable sharing 🙂

Kind thoughts,


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Stuart, it's good that you've come to the forums because there could be other people who are reading your thread, curious as to what is suggested.

Whether you are unfortunately going through depression and anxiety by yourself or because of the situation you are in doesn't matter as the two would certainly become joined, and I'm sorry for you both, especially as you're expecting your first baby.

I'm pleased that your partner is seeing a psychologist and then it's upsetting when you tell a counsellor/psychologist what you want to say and they decide to leave.

I know this is so disappointing, however, there may have been some benefit gained from talking with them, that you are able to carry through onto another psychologist.

You shouldn't be too despondent, although you must feel that way, remember is there someone else out there who wants to help you, but we would love to hear back from you.
