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19 and still figuring things out

Community Member


I’ve read a few other threads and I think I’ll just introduce myself a little bit.

As I mentioned in the title I’m 19, I work in a bar as a bartender and also the admin during the day. I live with my mum and my brother, it’s always been that way. I own a cat, his names Marcel and I also awn a car that’s on its way out.

thats pretty much me, I would like people of all ages to respond to my thread because I would like to know where you are at, what you’ve overcome and what advice or story you could give me from it.

I’ve been feeling a certain way that I don’t quite understand yet. I think it’s depression but I don’t want to assume because it’s such a big thing with people my age, to blame a health issue or medical issue when you’re acting a certain way or things are going your way. I hope that makes sense. I am someone that is very happy and appreciate everything I have in my life. I will never take anything for granted but I can’t help but feel upset, or disappointed or just not myself. I am recognising these things and I have tried taking things out of my life and even brining things into my life to change something but it’s just gotten worse.

Pretty much I don’t like to say it but I feel really depressed, I’m not sleeping enough and when I do, I’m sleeping into something important I should be awake for or even just a catch up with friends. I’m eating so bad, I’ve been focusing on what I’m eating and I’m still not choosing to change up my diet. My room is a mess, I can’t be bothered to do anything, I do my job at work but honestly if I was in a right mind set it would only take me half a day to do what I take a whole day to finish.

I’m going to stop there because I think you get the idea.

Anyway, I’m hoping there is someone around my age that could tell me their situation too, hoping to relate to someone.

- Lucia

1 Reply 1

Community Member

Hey man

Hope you’re going alright? I understand what you’re going through. I’m a lot older then you but hope this helps in some way.

When I was younger I really didn’t know what depression was or it was never spoken about in my house hold.

I suggest finding a hobbie or something you like to do to keep your mind occupied. I love music so that has helped me a little. I’ve started to self teach myself to play the ukulele lol. And next I want to get myself a drum kit and play the crap out of it.

Maybe a hike through a rain forest or around your local park, I find that helps.

I hope this helps you and you have an awesome day. Keep your head up and we are lucky to have forums and organisations like these that we can use to reach out to and speak out.

