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1:34 am

Community Member
I have been reading the forums for some time and im not sure how it all works. As stated in the title its 1:35 am and im here....alone. I had to put my best ( and only ) friend to sleep (my dog) two days ago. I am now totally alone, when i say i have no friends its a simple fact not a cry for help. I am in my mid 50's and very anti social. Anyway i thought coming here mbut ight get some stuff off my chest, and im fighting the urge to delete all this. any way......
13 Replies 13

Community Member

Hi Mildly and welcome to BB 🙂

I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. Losing a pet can cause the same amount of grief as losing a human family member.

I’m glad you decided to post here, there’s lots of friendly folk who you can interact with. There’s a social section called the BB Cafe, where there are many different topics that you can browse. You might find them interesting, even if you do feel anti social.

Would you like to say a little more about yourself, or your beloved dog? I would be pleased to be a virtual friend and chat with you, cheers M 🙂

Community Member
You poor thing losing your dog. On this forum you will never be alone. There are so many of us who are like you:)

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi mildly. Sorry to hear about the death of your dog. I know how hard it is to say goodbye. I had to put my dog down a few years ago and it was so hard, however I didn't want him to be in pain anymore. Just know that as hard as it is your dog appreciates you caring so much for it that you were able to say goodbye so they were no longer in pain. Thinking this way gave me some comfort

Feel free to roam around the forums onto other threads

Hi mildly,

I know it probably doesn’t help very much for me to say this but like everyone else, I’m also truly sorry for your loss.

Animal companions like your dog are some of the most meaningful friendships we can ever have...you clearly had a very special bond with your dog.

I’m glad you didn’t end up deleting that post. You can always come back to talk a bit more if you like. But there is no pressure, only share what you feel comfortable sharing/writing. Just whatever you’re comfortable with...

kind thoughts,


Community Member
I am amazed that I am back, and yet this is the only human interaction i have had ( outside vet visits) in a little over a week. Although i did go to the local rspca shelter to see if i might adopt another dog, but i felt like i was not....grieving for my dog. You wanna know a real strange thing .. one of my brothers died about a month or so ago and yet i miss my dog more than him. Tis true my family are not close but i still find that rather ...well strange. The little voice inside my head keeps telling me to... just get over it...and that i did the best that i could and i know that i did..and even sitting here typing this stuff is just well....not me. With all the other stuff going on in the world and in my life it seems such a small thing but for years i always said the only thing keeping me sane was my dog. Night time is the worst..she would always be with me..anyways...

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Sorry to hear you are struggling. I found nights tough too when my dog went. As silly as this sounds I found cuddling my pillow helped. I find when I watch a movie about a man dying and a dog dying I am way more sad and emotional with the dog film. I think dealing with death is something most of us can't 'just deal with'. It is a journey. Even if we expected the death it can still be hard to deal with. It is ok to allow yourself to take sometime.

Community Member

Hi mildly and welcome back 🙂

Everyone grieves differently, be it loss of dog or human. Certainly no-one here is going to think that your reaction is strange. I agree with MsPurple, it’s an individual journey.

Did you feel adopting another dog would be a personal thought of “not grieving your dog”, or did you feel that other people might be critical? I know quite a few people who adopted quickly and others who wanted to wait, it’s a very individual thing.

My Iggie is turning 11yo in December (that’s a younger her in my photo) and I have started wondering how I would feel if she died. I would want to honour her but, as I live alone and I’m single, I just don’t know if I could bear to come home to an empty house, or not have a little sentient being on the bed with me, or to share their silly antics.

Anyway, I’m glad you came back, I hope we get to speak with you some more, cheers M 🙂

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hi Mildly, there is no voice in your mind that could ever tell you to get over it, because you simply can't, although the intensity of it may become a little weaker, it doesn't stop the love you once had for your puppie, sorry to me all my dogs are still puppies, that how much I love them.
I know exactly how you feel and boy, how sorry I feel for you, because my beautiful puppie I had for 18 years had cancer, but I wanted to give her another chance, so she had an operation to remove a large lump, it only gave her a few weeks, the cost meant nothing, but when I took her back to my vet, who also loved her, I had to make that decision, even though my puppie was still looking at me and licking me profusely, the vet asked me if I wanted to stay, but I couldn't, crying like hell and so I had to leave.
She is buried under a daphne bush, but everday I still think of her, it still hurts me because I still love her, but that doesn't stop me loving my other puppie, the one in my avatar.
She went everywhere I went, slept with me, but hated thunder, but if I couldn't take her with me then I wouldn't go anywhere.
Mildly, it may seem difficult to get another puppie, that's what people always say to do, when in fact it is good, you will have photos and memories scattered around the house, they will never leave you, they are fixed in beautiful thoughts.
My heartfelt condolences, and please get back to us, now or at any time, especially if you decide to purchase another puppie. Geoff. x

Dear Mildly

Hello and welcome to the forum. Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your dog. I have always had dogs (and other pets) around and it has always been hard when they die, no matter if it is natural cause or to save them pain. I remember as a child sitting on the floor and talking to my dog. He understood every word I said. 😊

I am so pleased you resisted the urge to delete your post. No matter what worries or hurts you have we are always here to talk with you, although we may be a bit thin on the ground at night time. I have got up in the early hours and found 'talking' on line very reassuring and helpful.

Finding another dog companion is not easy. You are grieving the loss of your previous friend and you may feel it is disrespectful to find another immediately. You will know when you want to find another pet to be with you.

Would you like to tell us a little more about yourself? I gather you live alone. I have four children and eight grandchildren and I have battled depression for many years. For me it's not a search for a cure but to be able to manage this depression and not let it get in the way of living. Generally speaking it works well.
