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Why do I have to go to a GP first?

Community Member


From my research everything is telling me I am supposed to go to a GP first to tell them my concerns. My issue is I don't have a GP that I am comfortable with and they are always booked which makes seeing the doc a pain in the backside and usually requires time off work. if I see one near work in the city they wont know any of my history.

My question is why do I have to go to GP and tell them my story then to have to go and do it all again to a specialist?

I already am hesitant talking to anyone but having to go and do it several times makes me not want to at all

2 Replies 2

Community Member

Hi sociallyawk. Seeing a Dr who knows you is usually helpful when you want a referral for therapy/counselling. If the Dr knows you, knows your problem, they can advise you where to go for help. If you're new to them, they don't build up a relationship, therefore they can't guide you properly. You need to feel comfortable, so do they. Also a Dr can prescribe short term AD's to help you relax till you see counsellor/therapist. If you're having problems adjusting to the AD's the Dr also advises you based on what you tell him. Counsellors don't usually prescribe AD's, this is usually the Dr's domain. Therapists don't prescribe AD's either.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi there,

The answer probably depends on if you want to get one of the mental health plans or just pay for it.

There are direct options for a psychologist, for many the GP is the starting point for the basic assessment, medication in consultation with you, and referral.

I didn't want to see anyone local because of work and me being gay I didn't want any awkwardness around that to come into things with getting help. So I contacted the GMHC in Melbourne who have a LGBTI mental health program and did 12 sessions with a psychologist through there (they had a fee scale based on income). I got into see a GP down there too and went on some medication for a few months. Where you are ACON has a Mental Health program and you just ring their office and ask for the intake worker, if you don't identify as LGBTI like I do or want to go with NSW health services you can ring Accessline and do a self referral. Don't forget the beyond blue 24 hour number is there too and can help with local services 1300 22 4636.

Hope this helps,
