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What are my options for a free, bulk-billed psychiatrist?

Community Member

At the beginning of this year, I was diagnosed with ADHD-PI and Aspergers. However the psychiatrist was very judgemental, shaming, and VERY expensive. Safe to say I won't be going back to them.

I got prescribed a non-stimulant medication because she's 'worried' I would abuse stimulants. The medication did nothing for me. I stopped taking it after a few months because of undesirable side effects.

Now I feel like recently my mental health is spiraling as a consequence to the anger, guilt and regret I feel for the things I do (or not do) because of my executive dysfunction. I cannot bring myself to shower, clean my room, or study, and because of that I get very little sleep because of the regret that I didn't do the things I promised myself to do that day.

It's also taking a toll with my personal relationships... I lash out easily because I'm so frustrated at myself that I take it out on others. My boyfriend called me lazy because I really struggled to clean my room, so I kicked him out (bad move on my part, but we made up).

I've been having more bad days than good days. When I'm really emotional, I try my hardest not to take it out on others and instead take it out on myself. Self harming, self-depreciating thoughts... It's gotten really bad to the point that I automatically consider of self harming when anything bad happens.

I understand that psychologists are covered by Medicare when referred by a GP (which is something I'm going to take advantage of). I'm just wondering if there's a way to get a psychiatrist covered by Medicare because I really need stimulant medication to help overcome my executive dysfunction.

2 Replies 2

Hi Venus667

Sorry to hear that you are struggling and that you have been thinking of self-harming. Sounds like it's been a tough time for you. Thank you for being part of our forums, it takes a lot of courage to reach out. The community will be here to listen and chat with you. You can reach out to Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636 or Lifeline 13 11 14 for some further support. 

In the event that you are feeling like hurting yourself, it is important that you take immediate steps to keep yourself safe. You can do this by:

• Speaking to your doctor or psychologist (if you have one) if he or she is available right now

• If, however, you feel unable to keep yourself safe this is an emergency and you need to call 000 (triple zero).

We have sent you a private email so that we can support you further.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Venus, and a warm welcome to the forums.

When anyone is having a bad day, they might try hard not to take it out on others, but because of how they are feeling it just comes across, although it's not meant to, but people can notice the mood you're in and may react impartially or be affected by the way you are feeling.

If you look through the yellow pages, there will be psychiatrist's advertising that they do bulk-bill as some automatically do, but you need to be comfortable talking to them.

Ask your doctor about the 'mental health plan' this entitles you to 10 Medicare paid sessions per year and once this finishes, then an agreement between yourself and the psych can be made.

There is a reason why all of this is happening and needs to be discussed with a psych and please let us know how you get on.
