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Treatment out of contol

Community Member

I've had Bipolar 1 with melancholic depression and psychosis for 9 years. I have never reached full remission and am now on disability pension. I changed to my 8th antidepressant to see if the new drug on the block would provide me what the others couldn't. Started itching straight away and within 2 weeks had a rash develop on my legs that spread to my arms, chest, abdo and back. It was stopped and after the rash disappeared I was started on an SNRI and the rash and itches returned that day and has continued to spread over the 2 weeks since stopping my snri . My psychiatrist has told me that the 2 drugs are not chemically related, but there was some sort of cross over effect with serotonin? Because of the extent and type of rash he never wants me to have SSRIs or SNRIs again. I'm really "not happy Jan" about having all of those out of my arsenal. I asked about the tricyclates and MAOs. He said that he would rather go with ECT for me.

I'm terrified and scared at the same time. It's  only a few months since I was having the psychotic depression, and I know this is really going to happen to me. I'm terrified about memory loss, even if it is short term. I live by myself since my husband died. There is no one to help me find the keys, feed my dog, or pay my bills. I already keep my drugs in a dosette and manage to get it wrong when I am unstable.  I'm terrified. I want to put this life back in the hat and pick out a different one. This is not fun anymore ... and I come home to an empty house and there is noone to hold me through this.

2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi C hris,

Welcome to the Beyond Blue forums, many people will relate to what you are saying and will have advice and support. I think you should give the BB phone service a call so they can talk to you about how you can manage the memory loss and run through any other options that might be available to you.

1300 22 4636

Let's work on the life you have now, let's find a solution to your current challenge. I have seen ECT work with great and fast outcomes.

Do you have any breathing exercises or activities that can help to reduce your anxiety? What has worked for you in the past? Do you have friends or family that you stay in touch with? Love to you.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Chris,

Welcome, we have had a number of members talk about their experiences of having ECT before, you might want to have a look through some of the threads below if you have any questions you'd like to ask about the process:

ECT treatment

Tired of being depressed now - looking at ECT?

ECT - my experience

My wife has just had ECT - what is the recovery time?

ECT (again)