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Random counsellor thinks I have psychotic symptoms?

Community Member

Hi all, yesterday I had my intake at my local acute care team's office and, obviously, had to have a sit down with one of the counsellors(?) so he could direct me to the correct service.

After talking to him for a while, he suddenly asked me if I hear voices or have hallucinations. To me his question was random, unexpected and I failed to understand why he would ask me that as my diagnosis is moderate to severe depression, anxiety and complex PTSD. Two different psychiatrists have confirmed and agreed upon this diagnosis with no mention or concern of psychosis. While I appreciate that major depression can manifest psychotic features, I'm not that depressed. The only thing I can think of would be that my PTSD is running wild and free right now and affecting my mood terribly. I'm sure the mood swings and extreme distrust of everyone and everything must be a tad confronting, but still, psychosis?

Has anyone ever had this happen to them? Should I pay him any mind?

To be fair, I shared with him the following informastion: I have this constant pain in my throat that either stops me from sleeping or wakes me up so I'm wicked sleep deprived and will be until I can go have the surgery to have it checked out. The anxiety of having to wait is a trigger for childhood neglect I experienced and I waver between being afraid that I'll get too sick and die before I can be treated to worrying that I'll have to live with this pain long term. I also mentioned that my housemate forgets conversations we have and/or pretends that he doesn't remember so he can avoid confrontation. The reason I think this is true is because he will back-flip mid conversation or change tact and say that I was the one who brought it up when he actually started the conversation or topic. He does this all the time.

1 Reply 1

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Hello Ner, it sounds to me more like this person was going off a checklist. Sometimes symptoms don't get picked up unless the question is asked, a bit like how your GP will always ask about nausea and vomiting. It doesn't mean he thinks you look sick, he's just checking all possible avenues.