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mocha delight
Community Member
Hi was wondering if anyone’s tried some natural/alternative therapies on top of help of medication and professional help that has helped with depression & anxiety. I’ve done some research and exercise seems to be one option but I know that if I exercise for 3 days in a row for example my mind for some reason which I don’t know why goes to a not so good place. So what does everyone else do? And does it work? Open to dry some things to help with the depression and anxiety since no professionals like psychologists ect ect ect would be accepting new patients right now.
13 Replies 13

Exercise is strongly recommended for mental health but like anything it needs to be done at the right level & type to suit the individual. I saw a program where they gave groups of people different forms of physical activity & each group improved their mental health on average but when they looked more deeply those doing things they enjoyed had far greater improvements. The conclusion was to choose any physical activity you enjoy rather than pushing yourself to do something you don't like.

The other issue is fatigue & or pain. Pushing yourself so you are in pain or really tired from my experience is counterproductive. It just makes you feel worse. At one time I was struggling because of an injury & even though I was supposed to be recovered every time I tried to do anything I ended up so exhausted & frustrated & felt more & more depressed. I then did the opposite & decided to walk every day (I enjoy walking normally) but I restricted my walk to a few 100 m & returned home. Each day I slowly increased the distance deliberately restricting myself so I was guaranteed to manage the distance very easily. Within a short time I was back to walking a reasonable distance & was able to get back to doing normal activities. This helped mentally & physically.

Recently I was struggling & my psych advised me to set goals that I wanted but then half them & halve them again & then try. He told me because I was so down & so vulnerable it was essential that I succeeded in what I tried. I couldn't risk failure at the time. Later when I'm feeling stronger & more resilient I can get back to pushing myself but until then small easy goals were important to build up positive feelings.

Hi Elizabeth - I found that really interesting, thank you for sharing. You make great points. I'm also heartened to know that your psychiatrist understands the improtance of being kind to onnself. It's very hard to meet goals when we are constantly pushing ourselves, I've struggled with that too. I think your psych had the right idea. 🙂

mocha delight
Community Member
Ok so I don’t know if I’m losing my mind but kind of feel like I am as 3 nights ago as I was lying in bed waiting to fall asleep this navy blue dot appeared just above me on the right hand side that the centre kept changing from like purple to like a dark gray/almost black in colour and everywhere else was like it was a medium ish gray with black & white static like tvs used to get when they played up. 2 nights ago it was a navy blue with a dark red/maroon centre and again with the static then last night it was just a navy blue colour again with the static. I also experience when I close my eyelids I see multiple colours which I have for as long as I can remember when I close my eyelids but before I fall asleep so that’s not new to me but what was new last night was seeing all black as soon as I closed my eyelids. Someone please tell me I’m not losing my mind and that at least to some of you it’s normal at least.

mocha delight
Community Member
I don’t see this spot permanently and a week or 2 ago I saw 5-10 and not just one. And so no one has experienced the same thing. Which I take now as a no which makes me very unnormal and an oddity even here.