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Space between psych visits

Community Member

So I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety 2 months ago and was put on antidepressants and told to see a psychologist. I had one session with her and was meant to see her every fortnight as my depression is pretty bad. She was sick and cancelled the second one so I didn't see her for a month and now she's so busy my next 4 appointments are booked a month apart. In between visits I get so depressed and suicidal and I don't know how to cope at all. I've had my meds increased and changed 3 times but I seem to just be getting worse. 

When I do see my psych I tell her how bad I'm feeling and how I don't know if I can last without taking action for much longer and she just brushes it off and doesn't talk about it at all.

I'm so confused about what I should do about this and am so worried about what I might do to myself.

beyondblue's clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636.

3 Replies 3

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Muser91, welcome to the forums and thank you for sharing with us.

From the sounds of your situation, it doesn't seem like your current psychologist is able to treat you regularly, which is what you need. I suggest having a look for one that can do weekly appointments and/or appointments every two weeks. After the first few sessions, and when you start to recover, then it's okay to stretch out to a month or a couple of months apart. But from what you've said, you're in a state of mind that needs some regular professional help. Have a look at what's available to you locally; there's usually a ton of support groups, organisations and free counselling available for those that cannot afford a professional psychologist too.

I hope you're able to find some stable help! Well done on coming on here, you are always welcome to share what's on your mind with us, and have a read of the information and resources available on the website. It gets better, but it's up to you, and I have faith in you!


Community Member

Hi Muser91, 

 It can be really difficult to get in touch with your team, I see my psychiatrist every 3-4 weeks but if something comes up then it could turn into 6 -8 weeks. If you feel comfortable to go to your gp inbetween psychologist appointments for a 30 minute appoinment to talk to them? I would suggest that inbetween your visits to your psychologists and explain the situation to your gp and your psychologist. Sometimes you can be put on a cancelation list or call them regularly to see if theres a cancelation or if your psychologist would be willing to add an extra session to see you. 

 I know you have already spoken to your psychiatrist but perhaps tell her that you feel like she's brushing you aside in terms of therapy and that you are not coping. It may be a scary thing to do but it may just help her understand how serious the concern is. 

Another tool to use is lifeline. I endure panic and anxiety attacks and have called them to talk through what I was feeling, why and how to calm down or what could possibly help. They're not going to hang up on you. The reason they are there is to listen to you. 

Community Member

I have found that a psychiatrist is not always the best person to speak with. I have been at the Melbourne clinic for a year and find I get more from my GP and speaking with friends and family.

 i strongly suggest Rescue remedy and talking with friends and family as you will be surprised how ,many of these people will poem up and can relate to you.