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Side effects increased medication

Community Member


 my meds were gradually increased to a double dose in the last three weeks. I started a higher dose again on Tuesday. I feel absolutely rotten. I had some side effects before, but I just feel exhausted, I am dreaming a lot and I have joint pain and everything seems to be so heavy. I have a dull headache that painkillers can not cure. I seem to be worse in the morning, I take my meds in the morning and then gradually inprove until the early afternoon. It is a real struggle.

What should I do? Is this normal? Will it just go away?

8 Replies 8

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi yggy, we have a number of posts in this section on side effects - you might want to have a look through the threads below to find members to discuss this with: 

Medication side effects

Medication side effects help please

Side effects of antidepressants

Side effects of medications

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Yggy

Good to talk to you again. Sad about the medication. You could be talking about my experience with an AD.

Anyway, I have been taking an SSRI medication. The maximum dose is apparently 20 mg although both GPs I have seen recently tell me they treat patients who have been prescribed higher doses by psychiatrists. After you reach the advanced age of 65 the maximum dose is 10 mg. This information is on the drug information leaflet which is sometimes put in the packet or you can ask your pharmacist for a copy.

I was taking 20 mg and not coping very well. So early this year my GP and I discussed increasing the dose to 30 mg. All went well as far as the AD was concerned, though other bits of my life started to go down the drain so we talked about going to 40mg and subsequently I started to take this amount. It was a disaster and I returned 20 mg. A little later I went back to 30 mg.

Like you I had dreams, joint pain and feeling heavy.  I put much of this down to my life. However I was also prescribed a medication by an oncologist after I finished my radiation treatment. I really wish doctors of whatever persuasion would look at potential side effects of meds and also what other problems their patient has. The oncology meds listed joint ache, tiredness and depression, amongst many other potential effects. Combined with the SSRI I completely lost the plot. Bear in mind I was already having difficulties with the AD.

Talk about depression +! Eventually my GP agreed I could stop the oncology meds and after about 4-5 weeks I felt much better. Then I came off the AD for reasons I won't go into. Slow withdrawal, all going well, then the s..t hit the fan a few days after the last of the AD. Slowly at first then increasing headaches, dizziness, hot and cold sweats, utter tiredness, joint pain, depression increase. I have really been in a bad place for the past couple of weeks. Refused to go back on the AD or any other AD. I do not have a good track record with medication at the best of times.

Now you may well be taking a completely different AD and the cause of your problems may also be different, but it's worth checking out. My dizzy spells seem to be decreasing now I am taking an anti-nausea med and headaches not as bad. Tiredness is largely gone and I am begining to feel like a human again. My ambition is to take no medications of any sort in the near future, given the very often dreadful side effects I have experienced.

Sorry this is such a detailed post.


Dear Chris, Dear Mary

Chris, thanks for the links. I have read them and some of them are a bit freightening. It took me so long to agree to take SSRIs and I must say I was worried about side effects, but only had mild side effects on the lower dose. And they have improved especially my IBS and concentration.

I went to the pharmacy today to get some more pills and asked them whether I could take cold & flu tablets with the SSRI - and apparently not. So that might be the issue. I will see how I feel on Monday when I see my GP again. I have never before taken meds that could interfere with other meds, so I am learning.

Mary, it is lovely to hear from you again but I am sorry that you have been struggling like this. I hope you will feel better soon! How long have you been on meds? My plan (and don't laugh) is 6-12 months until I have talked about my past, the I would like to go off meds again. Whether that is realistic, I don't know but at the moment I am being told that is the plan. 

Take care, Yggy

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi yggy, one thing that might help to keep a bit of perspective is that people are less likely to post threads if they've experienced little or no side effects, so the stories you see here may be biased towards those who have had bad experiences and are wanting to feel they're not alone.  It sounds like you're on top of things, though - interactions with other medications can be an issue and it's wise to ask questions of your pharmacist and GP if you're worried at any stage.

Hi Chris,

 thanks for the reminder on perspective 🙂 And to add a bit of perspective: I am actually feeling better now. The severe side effects have gone and discussing it with my GP today we both agreed that it was probably an unfortunate mix of circumstances that made my week so miserable. But things are looking better now. I have to take something to settle some of the symptoms for a while, but that is ok. So I am hanging in there and hoping that this will be the last increase in dose for a while / no change in meds.

 Best regards, Yggy

Hi Yggy, 

In the last week I have also increased my medication. And my doctor warned me my side effects would be similar to when I started! An these were bloody terrible. 

Both times I have started an SSRI, I had increased anxiety (big time), muscle aches, those headaches you were talking about and fatigue. As you know it isn't fun! 

My doctor gave me another med for the short term to help with the increased anxiety, which I take sparingly as I need. The other thing that gets me though, is I know if I can get through the first few weeks, it does improve, some of them even fully disappearand this keeps me going ! 

Hang in there


Hi Bluey Moon,

thank you for your post! I'm glad to know that your side effects the first time around disappeared and I fully agree, that if you have been through it before and know the end result, it keeps you going. I've had some improvements since starting the meds, some real break throughs as well, so I am just hoping that this last increase will be the final one for a while. I just need a break. The good thing is that my mind has cleared quite a bit and I can see that this will be a phase only - previously something like this would have distressed me massively.

Hope you're feeling better soon! Take care, Yggy

Glad to hear that you are feeling better Yggy! It's hard to manage sometimes and I have a tendency to blame everything on the meds, being tired, thinking I'm hearing things ect. But in the long run I know at this point I need them! Good luck and hang in there