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Positive stories about medication for anxiety

Community Member

Hi everyone,

So I've recently stopped one SSRI and have been put onto another one. The reason for coming off the first one was because I was at the max dose and wasn't finding it beneficial. I also have depression too and have been struggling with it a lot recently. At the moment I'm feeling worse than I was before - more depressed, numb, anxiety is higher. It's only day 5 and I'm sure with time I'll start to feel better. Just wanted to hear from those who have found medication beneficial to keep me going through this tough time. I know it all doesn't come down to medication and I am also seeing a physcologist at the moment. Look forward to hearing from you all 🙂

3 Replies 3

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Maryjane~

I'm sorry your meds have not been working and you hare having to undergo the withdrawal and start again process. Once you have done it a few times you start to wonder. Plus too the intervening periods when off one and starting another can be rather grim at times.

I've been on meds for umpteen years and have trialed more than a few. Some did absolutely nothing, some had side-effects to adverse to tolerate, some seemed to work bit and then were superseded and the process would start again.

My current regime is ok, not perfect but definitely useful, much better than any previous ones and well worth taking. Side effects are there, but not enough to worry about.

I'm not in a position in this forum to give any details at all as to what these ones are, them's the rules, so all I can say is I persevered and got somewhere.

Of course as you can imagine it is a package deal, with lifestyle considerations, exercise, distractions, regular visits to the psych and so on, however I think all my techniques have become somewhat more effective since starting this sort (probably around 3 years now -maybe more, I have trouble remembering some things at times).

Ironically I'm not going though a particularly good time at the moment, however I know the cause of this, and I feel I'd be quite a bit worse overall without them. At other times when this particular hassle is not on the go my baseline of anxiety and so on is better than it has ever been - I even sleep!

I really hope your regime is going to work this time and the world becomes a better place for you


white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Maryjane, welcome

As Criox said its a package deal.

My axiety peaked at 32 years of age, I'm 61 now. For full recovery of anxiety, total calm, took 25 years. Of course improvements were along the way.

My "package" was....

Muscle tensioning exercises



No more toxic relationships

No more committees

A move to the country

Good financial budgetting

Buying a dog

Exercise and diet


Google these-

Topic: be radical- beyondblue

Topic: 30 minutes can change your life- beyondblue

Topic: feeding your brain- beyondblue

Topic: seeking the origins of anxiety- beyondblue

Topic: the balance of your life- beyondblue

Topic: accepting yourself, the frog and the scorpion- beyondblue

Topic: know your limits- beyondblue

Topic : running around trying to save the world- beyondblue

Topic : anxiety, how I eliminated it- beyondblue

Topic: anxiety, plan your future- beyondblue

There are many more on this site. Hope you enjoy reading. Even if you just read my first post of each thread.

Tony WK

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Maryjane93

Good on you for sticking to meds despite your first SSRI not having the desired therapeutic value anymore.

You have written an inspirational post. I love your attitude

Ive had chronic anxiety for 13 years which did reduce. Depression has been loitering around for 21 years after the anxiety.

Just my positive take on the benefits of meds and using them as a platform to heal more effectively

  • Anxiety/Depression are both chemically based which makes them partially physical conditions
  • SSRI....same dosage since 1996 and my quality of life improved significantly including career performance
  • 6 months weekly free therapy with a Community Mental Health Psychiatric Nurse...Best therapist Ive had
  • Super regular therapy has a huge effect in reduction of serious anxiety..combined with meds
  • Avoided overly negative and toxic people which in turn improved my healing environment no end

Great to have you on the forums Maryjane. I really hope you can stick around 🙂

my kindest for you
