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Medication has stoped working

Community Member

I have battled my condition for 40 years, mostly with medication and cognitive treatments. I feel like giving up and going with ECT, there have been many different medications that have had little effect on my depression or life.

Should I just give up on trying to fix me with medication?


5 Replies 5


Welcome to the forums, Amnesia

We are so grateful that you have reached out here today, as we know it can be tough to do this for the first time. We are so sorry to hear how difficult your journey has been in trying to find a medication that works best for you. But please know that you're not alone here, and this non-judgemental, supportive community is here to offer you as much advice and conversation as you need.

Can we ask if you have discussed these feelings with your GP or mental health professional? You are also more than welcome to talk through these feelings or concerns with our lovely counsellors at the Beyond Blue Support Service. They are available anytime on 1300 22 4636 or you can get in touch with us on Webchat 3pm-12am AEST here: www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport

Many in our community have been through similar experiences and will be able to talk through these feelings with you. If you would like to post further, please tell us more about what's on your mind and how we can best support you through this.


Community Member


thank you for you reply and offer to use the phone service. I may in the near future.
Mornings are so hard, but I have appointments with psychiatrist and gp this week.
maybe if I need to after that.

Community Member

Hi Amnesia,

Great to see you reaching out on the forum. I am sorry you are feeling so frustrated with your treatments for depression. What a long journey you have been on and I can imagine you would feel exhausted. Sophie M. has provided some good support and details to the Beyond Blue Support Line which can be very helpful in a hard moment. It is there for you whenever you need to call.

I have attached the recently updated 'A Guide to What Works For Depression - An Evidence Base Review' that Beyond Blue has created and hosts on their website (link below). There are many many different treatments that people try to manage depression (some with stronger evidence than others).


I have seen ECT work really well for some people with depression (mostly in the elderly). It does have side effects and like medications, it doesn't work for everyone. If you are interested to learn more, there is a thread in this section of the forum on ECT where people have offered some insights of their experience and I have also attached a link here to some more information.


I wish you the best of luck at your appointments next week and if you feel comfortable, please check in back here on the forum. You are not alone. We are here to listen and support you on this journey.

Sending your strength,

Nurse Jenn

Thank you

Hi Amnesia,

Welcome to the forums. It sounds like you haven’t had much luck with treatments for your depression despite trying many different medications and also cognitive therapy. It must have been indescribably difficult going through this process over the years with little to no positive changes to your symptoms. That you are continuing to reach out for advice says a lot about how strong you are.

I hope you find a resource that might be helpful from the ones suggested above. Have you had any of your appointments yet? If you can, speak openly with your health professionals about your concerns.

If you feel comfortable, check in and let us know how you are going.

Inhale Exhale.