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Is it normal to have to try a couple of different medications?

Community Member
Hi everyone im new here I was diagnosed with depression and was given medication i felt good for the first couple  of weeks then the medication started to make me say and do things that were really bad to my wife this was my first experience with depression medication things got real bad it made me heaps worse im not taking anything now my wife and son have left me........ im ready to try again and really want to get help but im really scared that if they give me the wrong stuff again I will hurt the people I really love again (not physically) I dont want to hurt anyone again is it normal to have to try a couple of different medications before you find the right one for you??????the way I acted has really made me scared to take more medication now I hate myself for hurting my family
3 Replies 3

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Guest138, welcome here

We are on this forum to express opinions. My opinion is that medication cant influence ones behaviour to a point. But when you said ' then the medication started to make me say and do things that were really bad to my wife" it wholly depends on the seriousness of your words and your actions.

It sounds like your words and actions were so severe and hurting that she left. Some things are unforgivable and you cant rewind life to redo the past. And I'm sorry, I dont swallow the claim that medication is to blame.

Return to your GP and tell him of your fears.

Tony WK

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Guest138,thanks for joining the BB forum.

When it comes to taking medication as in antidepressants (AD) we tend to tell ourselves that 'I feel much better', this may have happened, but after a couple of weeks nothing more seems to improve, so we get agitated and cross, and this is quite common, however it doesn't suit the rest of your family or friends and believe that you actually mean it, but you don't, you are annoyed that there is no continuation of feeling better.

I'm sorry that your wife and son have left you, but with some loving understanding they will return back to you.

You have to realise that most of us have had to try several different types of AD's before we find or the the doctor finds the one that suits us, it's not easy, and this has to be explained to your wife, or take her to the doctors so that he/she can explain that it takes trial and error.

It is a pain I know, but I tried at least 6 or so in frustration, but in the end it was worth it.

I feel sorry for you, but as I said they will come back to you. Geoff.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Guest 138,

I am sorry to hear this has all happened but I am glad you have posted.

I think, definitely get back to your doc so you can rule the meds in or out. I know it took me a few go's to find the right meds, I did have some adverse reactions to one in particular.

I am glad you are ready to try again, get to the doc and feel free to ring the Beyond Blue phone service anytime. With the right support and advice you can be making small steps of recovery each day.
