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First time on medication for anxiety, first 2 weeks questions

Community Member

Hi there. Just looking to hear any other experiences with starting medications.

I considered myself to have mild anxiety but after 3 months of not being able to get it under control it was causing me a lot of physical problems.

I have been clenching my hands and feet at night causing lots of muscle tension and pain. I went to the GP who suggested a low dose anti-depressant.

If it wasn't causing me physical problems I probably wouldn't have tried it but I felt I should at least give it a try.

I am 10 days in and am having lots of side effects and wondering what I have done. Its mostly the increase in anxiety that is bothering me the most. Im pretty much super anxious from about 2am until mid afternoon. I am going back to the GP on Friday but until then I will continue on. I understand that this can happen. Im looking for some sort of light at the end of the tunnel though! Anyone else have similar and then it started to work well? How long did it take and did it happen quickly or slowly?

Thankyou in advance!

4 Replies 4

Community Member
Yes what you mention can happen. It can take a couple of weeks before the benefits of anti depressants to start. Of course that can vary.                                                                                                                                                                      Its hard to say how long it will take or whether the medication you have started will be of benefit. Sometimes you may need to try others if the initial one is not helping or the side effects become a significant problem for you.         You perhaps need to be a little more patient and discuss this further with your GP as responses to medication can vary widely. We all want to feel well as soon as possible just as you do which is natural but all of us can only speak about our own experiences which would be different to how it might be for you.                                                Try to be patient which can be hard to be when we are not feeling well. Philip.

Community Member

Don't forget you can also be making yourself more anxious subconsciously. If not it is also a side effect and in my experience 4-5 weeks for the medication to work, that's if you have been prescribed an SSRI. I have not dealt with other antidepressants.

 I also feel if this one does not work for you, do not feel despondent, try another and always check in with your Dr or a trusted family member or friend, so they can keep an eye on you.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Razza  

welcome to the BB forums and good luck on trying your new medication. Some times when you start a new medication things may get a bit worse before they get better. I remember when I first started my current meds and I felt more depressed and my Anxiety got worse. And i got some understanding and support from the lovely people of forums... And now after putting up with the first 6 weeks of my current meds as I said to my GP I have never in my life known how to live without severe anxiety  without being to scared to even make a phone call the meds I am on realy helped that. But I really encourage you to go back to your GP  and talk about it and  please don't stop taking them  without talking to your GP first as you as many people normally have to wean themselves off Antidepressants instead of stop taking them altogether...

let us know how you go.....



Community Member

Thankyou all. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply. It does really help to hear personal accounts rather than the facts off of a pharmacy info sheet!

I am still having side effects from the medications but I did go to the GP yesterday who was reassuring that hopefully it will settle soon( 2 weeks tomorrow on it). She described it as giving the brain a "shake up" and stiring things up temporarily. Shake up is right! Had a bad night last night but functioning better today. Will check in again soon.