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First psych appt today.... so anxious

Community Member

I see a new psychiatrist today.. the appt was only made yesterday so I haven't had time to wrap my head around it.

I saw a psychologist foe around 5 years and I still didn't tell her everything there was to know.

I really want the right diagnosis and treatment. .. I'm sick of feeling this way - I have had depression for most of my life but anxiety is fairly recent and I don't know why. I have a young family...i need to get better.

So how do you get the most out of an appointment? I have seen a psych once or twice in the past and never liked their clinical approach. As much as I don't want to go there. . there needs to be a bigger picture painted of some horrific past events and circumstances that have lead to this me. 

I have a way of putting on a front that tells the world I'm fine. How do you take that mask off for an hour and be completely vulnerable to a stranger in order to get help? And then put the mask back on to deal with life in the meantime...

And I have to be honest. .. I might only be able to go this one time. The cost is enormous...an entire days wages for me... A month or so worth of groceries for my family. But I know the cost of not getting help is higher.

Thanks for reading. .. I feel very isolated and alone.  I did post the other day for the first time in depression. I received an email back but the post was never published for some reason.



5 Replies 5

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Bluebird, apologies about the delay in your other post going up, it is now online here and I'm sure you'll have some replies to it soon, and to this post too.

It can be difficult to think how you're going to tell a health professional everything you need to inside a single session. Have you thought about writing things down before a session, perhaps even printing out some posts from here? Your post in Depression articulates your feelings very well.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Bluebird, hi and welcome to the forum and for posting your comment.

I would firstly would like to say that you can get 10 free visits on a medicare plan, if that's what it is called, I have forgotten but someone else will be able to tell us, and what this means is that you go to doctor and ask if he/she can organise this.

I know the fear of going to see a psych, and still now I get nervous when I am going to see my psychologist and this is after 22 years, although not all that time with this current one.

You have to realise that this psych has to convince you that he/she can help you because if they fail you aren't going to go back there, so they have lost a potential customer.

Most of us put on a brave or fake face which we use while we are out and even when we are home when we have people visiting us, that's what depression makes us do, but as soon as we enter into the psych's room we drop it, and feel as though we slump into the chair, not being comfortable but feel as though we are in a safe environment and nothing can hurt us.

Usually we can pick up within a short time whether this person is going to be the one that we feel comfortable with, so they will ask 'how they can help you', that's when you do as Chris has suggested and hand over a brief document that lists your major worries, this will help you get over the first hurdle.

Please you mustn't be embarrassed, because these guys have heard from people who have had incredible and scary stories and they have been trained to talk that's their job, and trained to help people overcome their worries.

Please try and get those 10 free visits which will be a big help for you. Geoff.

Community Member

5 minutes away from my appointment I received a phone call canceling it, the Dr had to leave urgently.

I'm so shattered. I jumped through hoops to organise travel and babysitting so I could attend. I finally had summoned the courage to make the appointment. I realise things come up.  It's just left me feeling devastated though. .and foolish for trying to get help.  


dear Bluebird, I'm sorry that it has been cancelled or postponed, but they could have been called away to help one of their patients who is in dire straights or feeling that they want to end their life.

I know that you have made all this effort, but please don't take it as meaning anything bad for you, how about giving them the benefit of the doubt and book again. Geoff.

Hi Bluebird. I've read both of your posts. I'm really sorry to hear that your appointment was cancelled. I hope you've rescheded another appointment.

Full disclosure, I'm new to these forums, I've had counseling from both really good & in hindsight pathetic counselors. I've somehow managed to control my depression and anxiety.

I also remember feeling so frustrated that I had to scream to be heard and wondering what the hell I had to do to get help! While our situations are certainly different, I can relate to part of what you've written.

Anyway, what I wanted to tell you is this... Seeing a psychiatrist is a great move. It can take time to build trust, and also take time to 'process' what's been discussed. I understand that you want to get the most out of your sessions, and writing things down is a great idea. In the past, I asked a counselor if I could email the 'back-story' as it helped give me clarity, and allowed her to prepare. Plus I get really tired of crying, especially when I'm trying to talk!

What I also found was although I accepted my past as fact, I really didn't process the significance of the situation. Reminds me of Socrates (I think,) "examining beliefs to ensure they are built on truth" Mine weren't.

Youre definately not foolish for trying to get help. I wish you all the best. Keep in touch and let us know how you get on.