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Doubled dosage and added more

Community Member

Hi everyone 

I have been on an ssri to treat ptsd for 7 years at a low dose, 2 years ago a few events occured and I was having panic attacks so severe that I called my mother one morning and told her that I was having a heart attack and she needed to come and get my children. 

After being fit with a heart monitor for several days my doc doubled my ssri and added a beta blocker at a low dose. I stopped taking the beta blocker after a month.

Fast forward to now. Several months of workers comp and soul destroying menial light duties and a couple other curveballs I am very unwell again.

My doctor doubled my dosage again and had to phone through an authority and added double the last dose of beta blockers.

Will I become a zombie?

Has doubling dosage helped anyone who was able to subsequently wean off the pills to stop all together? ?


3 Replies 3

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Enjii

Tough question. 

I stated on a low dose and gradually went to a max dose.  That was not a nice feeling.  Like you say, I was walking around like a zombie too afraid to go out alone.  I needed someone to hold on to - pathetic feeling all round.

So I decided (on my own accord) to gradually wean myself off the pills. But I did alertt my psych to my intent (partly).  To cut a long story short, I gradually reduced my dosage to zero,  But, you must understand that I did so in conjunction with some serious life style changes.  I have now been off meds completely for a few months.  Yes, I do feel a bit sadder than when I was on meds.  But at least I dont feel like I am treading on clouds.  I know were I parked my car, and I can remember why I went to the supermarket.  Now it is all about continuing the lifestyle change.

Happy to discuss further.

Take care



Community Member

Thank you so much for your reply. My goal is to rid the need to take 6 tablets a day just to stabilise my moods.

Today I have noticed that my short term memory is terrible. I told a good friend the same story that I told him yesterday... how embarrassing.  I feel like I should avoid talking incase I embarrass myself again.

I hope this increase won't cause an issue! I know they say to give it 4-6 weeks.... we'll see.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Enjii.

I've been on a plethora of psychotropic meds since I was first treated for major anxiety and depressive disorder in 1995.  Three years ago a further diagnosis of ADD was made by my psychiatrist requiring another drug and 3 months ago I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder which requires  a mood stabiliser.

The first psychiatrist I saw in 1995 was very drug oriented so I understand  the physical symptoms of having drugs being changed after  only a short period of time, dosages being increased and decreased rapidly. I recall being taken off an SSRI over a period of  3 days when I had been taking the maximum dose for six months. The plan was to switch me to an SNRI, however, the side effects of coming off the drug so quickly caused enormous physical distress; I was unable to leave my apartment for 2 weeks.  I learned later, from my current psychiatrist, I should have decreased the drug over a period of 3 weeks.

I have found changing dosages usually has some effect, sometimes negative and often for only a few weeks. Ocassionally my doctor has discontinued a drug if I have not been comfortable with the side effects. It's really important to let your doctor know if the change is causing any worrying side effects or distress. I realise responses are individual, but I have usually found it can take up to 6 weeks for a new med to take effect; for an increase or decrease in dosage (depending on drug) usually 1-2 weeks.  Try to be as honest as you can with your doctor about side effects; he/she is your best point of reference. Good luck.