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Bumping my medication up!!! Nervous

Community Member

Hi there....

Im very new to this kind of thing... So bare with me...

I was diagnosed as agoraphobic when I was 28, started using medication and within a week, started feeling so much better...

41 years old now and things have taken a turn.. Iā€™m very anxious all the time now, my depression is coming back!!!

Iā€™m seeing a psychologist and today I visited a psychiatrist...

They are bumping my meds up to a higher dose and to be honest I am very nervous about this!!!

Has anybody got any positive feedback or stories to try and keep my anxiety levels down????

Cheers guys


23 Replies 23

Community Member


i am on an ssri. I was in one type and gradually went up to highest dose.. but still had massive anxiety. My doctor put me on a different ssri and we started on lowest dose of that ssri and I got heaps better.

do, maybe talk to your doc about trying a different med in same category??

Community Member

Hello Ballza. meercat here. Im sorry ur feeling anxious..thats part of my bipolar bp as well.

Re adjusting meds. I think they are very personal to each of us. What works for you may not work for me and what worked years ago may not have the desired effect now.

I was on a large dose for 43 yrs. "sleeping" for weeks then up up. This occurred about once a year.

Then recently i fell asleep for 3 weeks. I was frozen..did absolutely nothing; couldnt eat walk see..nothing.. i was so anxious and worried about making wrong decisions.. till i found a new doctor.

Now on a lower dose, life is a little calmer and im thinking clearer. Im about to hit a cyclone of family issues so he has added a tiny half tab of anti d to the mix.

If ur not happy with doc's suggestion about meds is there another one you can 'really' talk to. Im glad iv found a new doc.

meercat xx

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hi Matt, you know it can become so confusing as what you need to do, because you're not feeling well and sometimes a change can be scarier than the outcome, at the moment this is unknown and uncertainty is a large problem that tags along with depression. Geoff.

Community Member
I am just scared and confused!!!

Community Member

I just want it all to go away!!!!

Ive got a wife and 2 little girls that I want to be there for šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Ballza,

Sounds like you have taken a bit of a nose dive. Really sorry to read that.

Your words "I just want it all to go away" have inspired me to start a thread called "What I want to go away today". It is in the depression section. You may like to try to locate it, read what I have written and share there if you feel like it. Same for anyone reading this.

Many of us I am sure have days when we wish it would all just go away and leave us alone. Trying not to feel this way can seem like an humongous effort at times, in the long run it is worth the struggle when we find a sense of acceptance, of hope and an opportunity to move forward.

One step at a time Ballza. Just one small step.

Cheers from Dools

Community Member

9th day today...

Still not feeling real good, starting to think I wonā€™t be the same person...

Managing work, not eating much, a bit of raised anxiety some days, low mood on others!!!

Can someone please tell me everything will be alright šŸ˜©šŸ˜©

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hey Ballza,

I'd love to tell you that everything will be okay, sometimes it isn't and that is oaky too!

It might not seem like it right now, but life can get better, it will take work, effort, trust in your Dr that he/she knows best, and trying to put one foot in front of the other again and again.

On a different thread I wrote that to me "struggling" means that I am still alive. That I have not given up.

Ballza it is okay to admit and tell yourself that life really sucks right now. I get that. Many of us here get that. Acknowledging how I feel makes me realise I don't want to feel this way any longer than I have to.

My Psychologist keeps telling me to change those unhelpful thoughts into helpful ones, to accept them, to find worthwhile things to do in life to feel better about myself.

I yelled at him during my last appointment, "Do you want me to enjoy how I am feeling right now because I can't do that right now." He told me he understood that moment in time was very difficult for me, and he agreed it is hard to put strategies and actions in place when you feel so low.

At that moment it was all too difficult. A bit later on it was easier to consider his words. Later still I was able to put his words into action. It was a start to making positive changes.

I'm done with beating myself up, hope you can find a way to let go of the stuff you may be holding against yourself!

Once again I'd love to tell you everything will be okay. I can tell you that you have the ability and the power inside yourself to make each day the best it can be. We do have choices. We just need to find the strength to try our best at that particular moment in time.


Community Member

Cheers dools...

The thing with me is, when Iā€™m using a certain dose of my med, I feel good.. Then for some reason iā€™ll Slip a little, we bump up the med and I feel worse, real bad anxiety, crying, fearful, stop eating, just generally bad...

After about a month, Iā€™ll drop the dose back down to the usual dosage and then everything is great for about a year!!

3 years in a row this has happened šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³

I just donā€™t know what to do..

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Ballza,

I don't understand either why medication can act that way. I have a similar issue. Only thing is my system seems to go quite toxic with the build up of the medication, then I have to withdraw completely and the Dr. then has to try something else.

Hopefully your chemistry will settle quickly when the changes need to be made. It isn't pleasant experiencing all of those things though.

Does your Dr increase slowly or just bumps the level up? I am certainly no expert in these things, just wish your transition was not so harsh!

Hey, hopefully next year this trend will not continue!

Cheer from Dools