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Bipolar and Medication

Community Member


I have been seeing a new psychologist for the past 7 months and she told me that she concluded I have bipolar. She has not bought it up in the last sessions and perfers to focus on my moods.

From what Ive read, I was wondering if medication has worked for anyone with bipolar as I have read that this is usually the most effective treatment.

I have not seen a change in myself and I have been trying, should I keep seeing her?

Thank you

8 Replies 8

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Ebony,

Welcome and thanks for your post.

Everyone has a different experience and I can only share mine.

I was 16 ( a long time ago) and I was diagnosed with mainc depression as bipolar was called then.

There was a lot of stigma then and not much information so I was in denial for many years.

For about 25 years I have been on medication and relatively stable in my moods, but I also look after my health get exercise and watch to see what might trigger my moods.

I am not sure if a psychologist can diagnose, I think you have to go to a medical clinician.

Take care


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Ebony,

I don't have bipolar; my issues are major anxiety/depressive disorder, BPD and ADD.

I do have two close friends (male and female) who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. They have been under regular psychiatric treatment for 10 and 18 years respectively. As well as psychotherapy, both are on meds which includes some form of mood stabilizer. My female friend has taken herself off the mood stabilizers, a number of times, without referring to her psychiatrist and the effects have been quite negative - she required admission to hospital on three occasions, got herself into serious debt and generally, wasn't in a very good place.

I see very clearly the positive difference medication has made to both my friends, and agree with Quirkywords - ask your GP if he/she can refer you to a psychiatrist.

Perhaps once the chemical imbalance is addressed and stabilised, you might be able to revisit the psychologist.

Bset wishes, LH

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Ebony,

I have Bi-polar Diagnosed 10 years ago. I have been on regular medication the whole time and I believe it has helped.

There was a short period where I was over medicated by my over zelous GP then had a Psychiatrist over correct and remove me from all medication (leading to an attempt).

I have found a combination that works well for me and I am thankful for that. The medication is one tool that helps along with the others that will help as well. You need to be patient find the right doctor who can help you and find the best combination of tools.

Bi polar is a daily struggle but with the right support and tools everything will get better and easier for you in the long run.

I hope I made sense and helped slightly.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Ebony

I was diagnosed later in life 46yrs & Psychiatrist said when I FINALLY conceded to take meds, that he didn't know if it'd have much effect being so long with it. tbh I think I've mostly pulled down the highs over the yrs moreso than meds and now have reduced with DR's consult. I had another one that went really well for a while then stopped working for the lows so went off em, my aims to get off meds but not to say they don't work and aren't needed for others.

I'm working as much as po from the head, working at liking myself that we all need to do for confidence and trying to change attitude and not be so sensitive and learn to control my emotions that as you'd know peak both ways in cycles.

Do you think you have BP?

Hey Quirky

I see a clinical psychologist and she can diagnose but agree don't think necessarily a standard psych can.

Psychiatrists usually do aye


Thanks I did not know that.

It may vary from state to state.

There was a time that only pyschiatrist could.

AS I was diagnosed so long ago in the 1970s that I have never been diagnosed with bipolar 1 or 2 only manic depression. Not sure it matters. I think I maybe a 1.5.



welcome and thanks for sharing your experience.

You are right having the right tools .

I think that comes with experience and trial and error.


Feel free to post and ask any questions.

It can be very confusing at first.

Take care


Hey Quirky 🙂

Yeah the previous term for BP (Bipolar) was manic depressive.

I think both are descriptive , but not everyone would know Bi = 2 as in bicycle, bisexual etc

When I'm explaining the absolute basics to people bout BP I say imagine a pole and there's top and bottom. People without BP sit in a so called circle in the middle, we go both ways higher and lower.

Hope your days everyone are better than blagghhh