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Anyone gone without taking their anti depressants for 3 days or more??? i need help :'(

Community Member
Well i thought i had more tablets of my anti depressant than i had and went one day without it which wasnt so bad. I found a script at home but didnt look at the date and took it to the chemist yesterday to get it filled, it was my second day without it. The pharmicist said it was out of date and i looked at it and was right and i said i was going through withdrawl and really needed them and couldnt find a more recent prescription. They said they couldnt give me any and later in the arvo up until now i have had a bad migraine on one side of my head and i feel really light headed, neuseas and depressed. I have recently found the more recent script today and am going to get it filled today and start taking it this arvo. The problem is i still have a lot of cleaning to do and i have a house inspection tomorrow morning and am really struggling to clean or do anything :'( I wanted to know how long will it take for me to feel better when i start taking the tablets again. I really hope my landlord understands. Ive done a lot already but still need to do more to make it acceptable. Im really struggling and im snapping at my 4 year old daughter easily, I go from crying to anger really quickly. I desperately need help!
10 Replies 10

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hello Chloekat, I know it's terrible when this happens and we don't realise until it actually happens.
For me if I need a new script my pharmacist will give me a few to last until I have my appointment, and there's no reason why they can't do the same with you, especially if you go there all the time, surely they would oblige.
With your house inspection and it can't be totally cleaned, they're not going to kick you out only tell you to clean it, then you can explain about not being able to take your medication because you didn't have any to take.
If the rent is paid on time and they don't have to chase you, then there shouldn't be any problem. Geoff.