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Community Member
My boyfriend of 2 months who has recently moved away told me he had depression. Ive been coping ok with it until now. There was communication between us, not fluid but it was there. Now in the last week he hasnt spoken to me at all. Ive messaged him to see if he has been ok. No response. Ive facebooked him and hes been online but hasnt responded to anything that ive sent. He lives in another state. I dont know how to cope or if something has gone wrong or if he merely doesnt want to be with me anymore. I dont know how to handle this situation anymore. He has completely shut me out. I recently went to the doctors because Ive got alot going on in my life at the moment and have recently been diagnosed with depression. I have been seeing a psychologist and the 2 sessions have helped. But now im at a stand still with what to do with my boyfriend. Do people with depression go into episodes like this. If hes still on facebook can it be affecting him this much? What do I do? Does he want to be with me anymore? He hasnt given me any indication about if he still cares about me and hes ignoring and completely shutting me out so it seems clear he does not. I dont know what to believe anymore and I feel im burdening all my friends with these questions and dragging them down with me. Please help!!!!!!!! Am I to wait? Im utterly confused and I feel like im going to have a panic attack.
1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Indescribable,

I can hear the desperation and confusion in your words. It can be very frightening when someone we love, who is mentally unwell loses contact with us. I can imagine the thoughts that are going through your mind. 

Does he have friends or family that you can contact just to make sure he is ok?

What was the reason for him moving away in the first place?

It does sound like he might want at least a break from the relationship, and this can be hard to deal with when he hasn't even communicated this request with you. I do however think it may be in your best interest to leave him be and let him make contact with you, if he so chooses. To not have contact with you at all is not healthy for any form of relationship, and yes he is depressed, but this can't be an excuse for at least sending you a text. If the shoe were on the other foot I'm sure he would be worried sick.

As you mentioned that you are suffering from some depression at the moment as well I think it would be best if you just focus on yourself for a little while. Keep seeing your Psychologist, as you said this is helping. There is only so much you can do for your boyfriend unless he actually wants your help.

Instead of questioning your friends and family perhaps just rely on them to support you. Take an interest in going out with them and doing things together rather than just talking about your boyfriend.

I hope you will get back to us. I understand you must feel a bit panicked but this won't necessarily help your situation. Is there something you can do tonight to help you relax and unwind? A Bath, a book to read, a movie to watch, chat with a friend?
