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Supporting my wife and at the end of my rope

Community Member

Hi, i am a carer to my wife and have been so for 10 years, she suffers severe depression, agoraphobia and polycystic ovary disease and suffers with periods of being bedridden every couple of weeks for a week at a time, her depression is so bad that me and our 4 kids have lived our lives around her, we have 2 autistic kids under 12 who are a full time job for me and a 8 year old with an intellectual disability. I have supported my family happily but lately feel worn out and out of options, my wife's medication stopped working recently which drove me to breakdown point, with a medication change i saw better moods etc fora short period but within 2 months the roller coaster came back, i feel like im selfish as she has these conditions but also wonder why she wont seek help recommended by GP like a psychiatrist or psychologist, and does she see how stressed and hopeless i feel why she refuses, i have several times threatened to leave and the promiseses made are never kept...

I am truly stumped... 


1 Reply 1

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Hello Jay, this is an awful situation for you to be in, I am so sorry. It is not selfish for you to feel the way you do, it is hard enough coping with a partner who has severe depression let alone when you have high needs children to care for as well.  It is unfair on you that your wife won't seek the help that is on offer.  What about help for you?  It sounds like you would benefit from having some psychological help as well.  Is there any way that you can get extra support in caring for the children, either from other family members or a welfare organisation?  At the very least it sounds like you need some respite to turn the pressure down.