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Romantic feelings for guy best friend (who has anxiety/depression)

Community Member

Hi there, I need advice.

So I've been best friends with this guy for about a year now. We talk to each other everyday, get along super well, and I am 100% comfortable around him. Around 6 months ago I realised that I was developing romantic feelings for him but I didn't want to ruin out friendship, and I didn't know if he felt the same way (he can be shy). So 2 months ago I mustered up the courage to tell him how I felt. He told me he feels the same way, but because of his mental health he wasn't ready for anything more than friends. I had no idea he was dealing with anxiety/depression. On the outside he seemed like such a happy care-free guy, so it was a complete shock to me when he said this. I reassured him that I wouldn't tell anyone (he hasn't told many people), and that I was there for him. He kept saying he didn't want to disappoint me, or unload all of his heavy feelings/thoughts onto me. I comforted him and he opened up a little more (which I could see was physically difficult for him).

We concluded that we would continue to stay friends. Since this chat (2 months ago) we have continued to stay close friends and nothing has changed in that sense, but we haven't talked about any of that deep stuff since then. I really want to be a supportive figure in his life for him to tell me when he was feeling down/sad/happy etc. I know I cant force him to tell me how he is really feeling, but I feel in the dark and I don't know what to do. I'm not sure whether to bring it up, or leave it until he is more comfortable with talking to me. I just want him to know that I am there for him and care for him.

It's also really hard for me because those romantic feelings haven't just gone away, they are still there. Sometimes I struggle with over-thinking and self-doubt too about whether he genuinely likes me and actually feels the same way (or whether he only sees me as a friend as is just letting me down easily). I guess I'm craving reassurance, affection, love, all of those things he can't give me right now which is really hard. I've tried moving on, but I can't bring myself to because I know about how we both feel about each other and our potential to be something more...

Please if anyone has any advice on what I should do that would be great. Thanks.

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello GroovyChick, and a warm welcome to the forums.

You cerainly love your friend and it can become confusing once or if they suffer from depression because you want to know whether it's reciprocated or not, normally without this illness an answer would be straight forward, however depression of any type 'sucks the life out of life' and if he does love you, it prevents him from showing any reaction because he has no charisma, no urge, even though deep down he too may love you.

You can bring the topic up for discussion but this could be difficult, a sign of his affection may slowly develop, which could make you happy, so if loves prevails then does time matter.

Best wishes.


Hi Geoff,

Thankyou for your response.

I understand what you’re saying, I know this isn’t like any normal situation.

I’m wondering if I were to bring the conversation up (about how I feel and about how he feels), how I would do so without feeling like I’m overloading him with questions/my feelings?