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Partner ended our relationship and I’m terrified he will commit suicide

Community Member

My partner has severe depression and anxiety, and most likely bipolar that we’ve been fighting for months now to be diagnosed.

Over the past 4 years he has isolated himself from everyone he knows. He doesn’t leave the house anymore. I’m only 27 and I’ve been caring for him for a long time.

He has even isolated himself at home and hides in the garage. He stays up all night and sleeps through the day. He hasn’t worked for about 7 months.

We see a GP and psychologist, but it’s not helping. We’ve had several referrals for more help but no long term plan has been put in place. He has been suicidal previously and is currently in a desperation.

He has decided to end our relationship. I also believe it’s inevitable that this was going to happen, however I am so scared that he’s isolating himself to the point that he feels he can go through with suicide. We have no family near us, but I have let them know what’s going on and they are ready to help when needed. But I feel like I have sole responsibility for his safety. We’ve been together for 9 years.

He plans to move to another city by himself and this scares me because he can’t be alone. I’m currently working from home because of his situation.

At the moment he isn’t in acute need of urgent care, but I’m scared he’s making plans even though he tells me he isn’t.

We are still living together while we both sort out where we go from here. Is there anything else I can do to ensure his safety? I’ve told his GP about the situation too.

2 Replies 2

Hi Alee123,

We're sorry to hear what a dificult time you're going through. We want you to know you've come to a safe and non-judgmental place where members give and receive support based on their own expereinces with mental health, many of which will be similar to yours.

If ever you feel like your partner is an immediate danger to himself or others, then it's an emergency and you should call 000 without hesitation.

The Suicide Call Back Service offers a lot of useful information to help people worried about someone in their lives being suicidal. You can check it out here: https://www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/resources/worried-about-someone/

We're sure our valued online forums community members will be along shortly to offer you as much support, advice and conversation as you need. Please check back and let us know how you're getting on whenever you feel up to it.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Alee123,

I'm so sorry you're going through this. It must weigh on you so heavily, knowing of his mental health issues but still feeling like you potentially have no control over what he does.

Would he have any friends that you could possibly bring on board to check in on him? Alternatively, is it possible for you to work out an arrangement with him where you check on him periodically?

I'm also concerned about you. How do you feel about the way the relationship ended? Are you able to cope with that, or are your fears about him suppressing your own feelings about this? 9 years is a long time, and I'd think you'd be feeling quite emotional.
