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New concerned parent

Community Member
Hi. I'm new to this forum and would love some guidance. My teenage son suffers from depression and anxiety and recently started talking about self harm and suicide as he see s no point in living. Won't see his psychiatrist and has stopped attending school. .any attempt to talk to him about it is met with resistance. worried and don't know how to engage him.
1 Reply 1

Hi YodaB17,

Welcome to the forums! We're so grateful that you have reached out here. We're really sorry to hear what you are going through with your son. We can undertand that hearing your son talk about self harm and suicidal thoughts must be overwhelming and distressing. It's great to see that he has such a caring parent, but please know that you're not alone in this and there is lots of support available to you.

We would recommend getting in touch with an organisation called Headspace. Headspace is an organisation specifically for young people aged 12-25. It might also be worth letting your son know that he is always welcome to get in touch with Kids Help Line. They are a confidential and anonymous, telephone and online counselling (Webchat) service specifically for young people aged 25 and under. 

If at any time you believe that your son is an immediate danger to himself, this is an emergency and you should call 000 (triple zero).

If you need to talk through your own feelings about this, we'd recommend getting in touch with our Support Service which is available 24/7 on 1300 22 4636 or you can visit on our website www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport for online chat. One of our friendly counsellors will also be able to give you some information and advice to help you and your son. 

You might also find some helpful advice on our pages:   We hope that you keep checking back in with us to let us know how you are going, whenever you feel up to it.