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help mum

Community Member
my son is 29 he is depressed and has anxiety, however wont admit it. I have anxiety and am on meds, i have suggested he go to a doctor etc but he states i am the one with a mental illness.He big notes himself, is behind with rent constantly then has to pay a large sum, he is argumentive speaks over me very loud, hates everyone, has thought of ending his life, hates his job serving drunks alcohol. Dosnt want a girlfriend, the world is full of hate, religion wars, he watches who knows what on his computer, negative. Makes me feel im going crazy, how can he be like this, whatever i say is wrong. Things i say trigger him off, if i look at him the wrong way or laugh he has something to say about it. I told him he is hard to live with and he went right off. He thinks i want to stand over him and be in control.   Yes he is spoilt, too late now, i did snap today and told him to just shut up he went to his room untill he went to work. My partner says thats what i need to do and not let him over power me he does it cos he can. Im sure he takes his frustrations out being argumentive over silly things including if i forget something at the supermarket.   He needs to move out but when i mention this he states he gets tight in the chest and knots in his stomach and asked me not to speak of it again as it makes him ill. I need peace, i work in aged care and dont need this at home, i even notice that i look to see if his car is there when im approaching my gate which isnt normal.  
9 Replies 9

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Mum there are a few magic words in this post 29 and he needs to move out. Until this happens you both won,t have any peace. Stick to you guns Mum.

Community Member
thank you Stephen, I need someone to reply as I cant discuss all this with friends.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Mum

I'm so sorry you are going through this with your son.  As much as he needs help, he is 29 (an adult) and he needs to take responsibility. I know it's hard when he is depressed. But for your mental wellbeing and safety he needs to move out.

My kids are 21,20 & 17 and if one of them were like that I think I would do exactly the same - tell them to move out.

You have a life too, and you need to look after yourself.

I agree with Stephen, until he goes you won't have peace.  I feel for you because it's a tough decision when it's dealing with your own children - but I feel you need to for your sake.

Please take care

Jo xx

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Mum, he's a hypochondriac and won't accept the fact that at 29 it's time to move along, tell him you want some peace and quite, so no more meals, no washing, ironing, no cleaning, nothing absolutely nothing and go and find somewhere else to live.

Perhaps change the locks, maybe a bit drastic, but it's time for little Johnnie to go. Geoff.

Community Member
thanks for yr reply, i will be moving him on after christmas.

Community Member

thank u for replying, i dont feel so alone now. yes your all right he needs to move on this will happen after christmas, i know yr all saying now but i have family coming boxing day and i dont need my anxieties to flare up and spoil the day being on egg shells..


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Dear mum, I think you have made the right decision, maybe to make yourself feel better about the situation give him a months notice and do what Geoff said to let your son know that you mean business this time. Believe me he will thank you for it one day as you will not be around one day to look after him and he will have to do it tough anyway. If he tries the I,m unwell routine just remember that mental illness doesn't choose a time to just come on. It hits at random times. Better that you do this while you are still around so that you keep an eye on him while he finds his feet. He will look back on this decision one day and thank you for doing this. Good luck

Community Member

thank u Stephen for taking the time to support me. My son has told me a few weeks ago a friend has asked him to move in but im hoping he will go there. He has it too good here otherwise he would of moved out when he was asked.

im keeping quiet and havnt seen him only for a few mins as ive been on night shifts over the weekend and my partner has been home, hopefully it will b a better week, fingers crossed.

I think he will hate me for a while but im going to be strong he has to go for sure I don't deserve this treatment.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi mum, you are Definately doing the right thing. Tell your son that you think it is a good idea that he move into his friends place. Keep on saying it to make him prepared for the move and then after Christmas demand that he move into his friends place. Things sound like they are falling into place anyway. Good luck mum.