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Community Member
I’m a widowed mum supporting my 39 year old son (Lives with me) with mental health and drug/alcohol addiction. He hasn’t had any ‘pot’ since his second psychotic episode 2 years ago but his alcohol consumption is out of control. He hasn’t displayed any violent tendencies although he can become exhausting to be with when he becomes verbally excited.
I’m extremely anxious and not sure where to turn for support. For us both. We share the same GP and he is trying to help but my son is resistant.
3 Replies 3

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Elliebells,

I am really sorry to hear that you are struggling. It sounds like you do not have much support at the moment and you are understandably drained with what is going on for you. It is also very challenging to progress and make change when the person using alcohol/drugs is resistant - I hear your struggle and I am sorry.

I would really encourage you to reach out to one of the helplines available and have a look at their resources. Here are a few options:

- Counselling Online is run by Turning Point (https://www.counsellingonline.org.au/) and has some online resources, an online chat service as well as a free and confidential phone line you can contact for support and advice (look at their webpage for your state-specific number to call)

- Family Drug Support (https://www.fds.org.au/) has online resources and a 24/7 phone line (1300 368 186)

- The Australian Govt Drug Help page (https://campaigns.health.gov.au/drughelp) and their phoneline National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline 1800 250 015 which can provide information, support and referrals

I cannot imagine how much of a toll caring for you son takes on you. I hope that you can find the extra support that you need. Please do not hesitate to talk more if and when you feel up to it. We are here to listen and support you and want to help if we can.

Take care.

Thank you Sunnyl20 so much for your reply and the names of the helplines. It’s been such a horrible 12 months as we’ve lost 4 family members two being my hubby and mother in law. My hubby and I were there for each other during the challenging times. He was very good with our son and we all miss him so much. What with Covid and our bereavements I suspect this is the reason for my sons increased alcohol consumption.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Elliebells,

That is horrible, I am so sorry. What an awful 12 months. I cannot imagine how huge that loss must have been for you. And yes, as you mentioned, Covid exacerbates the situation too. I really hope things start to look up for you soon. Take care.