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Community Member
Sux bigtime diagnosed at 21 now51.having a label helps zilch i have other mental health as well.from what ive read here so far on bpd is that most are clueless.some nice words and encouragements and remarkbly lotsa judgements.you want peeps to understand but they dont and dont want to.it scares them..the symptoms are confronting like walking around with an exposed nerve.people dont like hearing that you feel things more deeply.afterall your dysfunctional with no friends how can you feel more .preposterous.or they give you those golden platitudes that happiness is a choice and similar baloney.and we dont blame doctors or others part of the condition is we take the blame upon ourselves for everything we beat ourselves up over n over again.mental health issues r not an excuse u want its a living hell.1 tip i give you all if u ever need new gp wait few appts b4 u mention it otherwise doctors just ignore everything you say about anything.
2 Replies 2

Hi Groundhogdayagain12,

Thank you so much for giving us a little glimpse of what living with BPD for 30 years is like for you. Your contribution is very insightful. We encourage you to keep sharing and explaining what it's really like for you here. The more you do that, the greater our collective understanding becomes and the better others are able to offer you the support, advice and conversation that you need and/or want.

Our online forums are made up of a community of peers, not experts, who work really hard to keep this a safe and non-judgmental place where everyone is welcome and encouraged to discuss their personal journeys with and experiences of mental health. We're sorry to read that you think otherwise when it comes to discussions of borderline personality disorder on these forums. We ask everyone here to abide by a simple set of guiding values which underpin all forum interactions and our community rules  (https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/community-rules). These are: support, respect, empowerment, safety and friendliness. Experience tells us that when users post with these values in mind, we all benefit.

We encourage you to check in and update us on your journey whenever you feel up to it.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Groundhogdayagain

I am so sorry you have been treated so unkindly after being given a mental health name. It is really nothing to do with the label just uninformed opinions and stories. I have heard BPD described by a professional as being like third degree burns on your body. I cannot imagine how painful it must be for you at times. It seems this is one condition to keep to yourself but then how do you explain that you get wounded so easily. It's most certainly not a choice.

While it's true that other mental health conditions attract negative remarks, as I understand it BPD comes in for the lion's share.

I came a cross a book several years ago and was attracted by the title. How I Stayed Alive While My Brain Was Trying To Kill Me. I was intrigued and bought the book discovering that the author had BPD. Perhaps you may find it useful. The author seemed to get her life together quite well though it was hard work. But then getting well with any mental health issue is hard work.

Meantime, I hope you will continue to post in here.
