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Am I doing the right thing

Community Member
November 2020
I was seeing this amazing lady where it was instant attraction for the both of us. She has met my kids and has always been calm around them and myself. She got unwell run down and also her daughter gave birth 13weeks early which was very stressful.
she has since been diagnosed with bi polar on medication but has blocked me on the phone . I have sent her flowers which she has replied and said thankyou but then blocks me again. I am deeply in love with her and before diagnosed she said she loved me. I text her every morning and night to say goodnight good morning. Is this too much??
I haven’t seen her in a month and a half and I only hear from her in text maybe once a week. I find this very hard to deal with as the way I feel for her, Am I being to pushy or harassing her too much??
thankyou in advance for your help
19 Replies 19

I have also been doing a lot of study on the illness and it a very common thing for the person with the illness to pull away and not communicate with anybody. It also says be patient give it time but also send messages of support.
One thing I m not very good at is patients so I have a lot of learning to do also


Apologies for the delay– I'm not sure how I missed these responses but I totally agree with randomx– sounds like you've done all you can and it's time to lay low for a bit. I know it's painful, and frustrating, and confusing, but I think this is your best move at the moment. I would have faith in your partner and what her daughter told you, and just trust that your connection is strong enough to ride out this turmoil. As I said before, she is lucky to have someone who puts in the effort to educate themselves about this and seek advice here on the forums. That alone speaks volumes about your character.

We're here for you. Have you had any contact with anyone else in her family since she's been unwell? Any updates?

Hang in there!



Sounds like she needs space. If she wants to talk to you or see you, she would. Don't make yourself available all the time for her. She'd realize what your presence means through your absence.

Thanks for your help,

I haven’t spoken to any of the family since before she was diagnosed unfortunately

I am trying sweesoft I just find it very hard for myself not to send a text of love or encouragement to her, I must check my phone at least 200 times a day to she if she has opened the message. I really have to learn patients, I am getting better but still struggling with sending messages.

I have some great news, I have spoken to my special lady and are meeting up over weekend.

thanks to everybody’s help I really appreciate it

Ahh that's great . Good luck on the wkend.

Thanks random,

she said she had pushed me away as she had fallen in love with me and didn’t want to hurt me.

Fantastic , the kinds of reasons ya hope something like this happens eh. And that she explained why properly rather than all blurry and all over the place , really great sign.

Totally agree, randomx. Glad to hear things are looking up JDK. Enjoy the weekend.